get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Look at Me, I'm Sliding!

Okay, I may not technically be the one sliding. Actually, that would be Kate and her dad, one of the Bills, doing it up on the dance floor on New Year's Eve. She taught me how to slide yesterday. The first day of 2007 and I already learned a new skill! Watch out, world. Here I come. Kate knows lots of fancy things. And she explains them in ways that I understand. And can easily do. Which is all very exciting for me. Much as is the fact that the DSL Man will be at my mother's house today. How can things get better than that?

Okay. Here's how. Last night we saw "The Holiday"-- for free! That WGA card still works whether or not my membership is active or not. Isn't that a beautiful thing? We saved 18 bucks. That's a lot of money. The movie was sweet if not more than a little contrived. So it didn't really stay with you all that much. Which was too bad. But the outfits that Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet were wearing? Phenomenal. Kate and I were trying to figure out what designers made different pieces (her coat, her boots, her sweater) and crazily enough-- the info was on some random blog on the internet. Which had a lot of hits. And comments. It seems other people were on the same page as us. Quite sad that we were more entertained by that then the actual movie, however, we remain females who like to look good. Or aspire to own cute outfits. While conquering the world. So the movie was effective in that it motivated me to finish my screenplay. It's been printed out for awhile. It needs to be read and worked on and focused on. And all those kind of things. I realized last night that it's much further along than I thought. So now, it's all about finishing it without falling into the black hole of ex-convictdom aka romanticizing what was not. Which I have a tendency to do. Which "The Holiday" spoke to quite well actually. I am Kate Winslet. In that movie at least. Or at least I was. Not anymore. Because now, I can slide.


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