get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Sephora Portland Plays Santa.

There are some days when I'm doing the job I don't want to do that I forget that I don't like it. Today was one of those days. Everyone that works at Washington Square Sephora was so friendly and kind and helpful that the day flew. And the customers were so friendly and kind and responsive that it didn't feel all that bad. At all. And actually? It was even kind of nice.

Granted, it also wasn't all that bad to wake up at a nice hotel. And take a bath in a nice bathtub. So that didn't hurt my mood going into the day. Even riding the elevator down with Emily Deschanel didn't serve as a reality check. Just a random experience.

The reality check came when I went into the back breakroom to take a break. That's when I saw a Christmas list posted from a Portland woman's shelter. The cast of the Washington Square Sephora are going to donate the items off the list to them for Christmas. On the list? Are kids from 2 to women of 50. And they've asked for everything from a pillow to a robe to zoo passes to movie passes and book and CD gift certificates. Some women asked for bras. And they stated their size. They also listed items like flat irons and hair dyes which were their special wishes. One boy asked for a winter coat... blue, if possible. It broke my heart. And it made me care about Christmas.

This year, I haven't really been in the Christmas spirit. I haven't really had the time. Or the money to buy presents. But after seeing that list. I realized I had both. More than I thought. Sure, I want success. I want children. But I don't want to have to take them to a shelter. And I'm sure their mothers didn't either. I'm sure for many of those women having children was their dream. And now, they can't even enjoy it. And from seeing my own mother and dealing with my own #&*# I know it will affect them all. And that, too, breaks my heart. Before I left Portland, I wanted to go get the pillows for the 2 women and the 7 year old boy and the book gift certificates for the two teenage girls. But I couldn't miss this flight since it was the last flight of the day. So I'm going to have to send the things to Portland. Which is really not that big of a deal. And something I'm kind of excited about. Packing up gifts and sending them off feels a lot more hopeful and festive and real to me than packing up my life. So tomorrow, that's what I'm going to do.

And you know? If anybody else wants to give a bit more this holiday, I suggest you visit a shelter or if you'd rather, visit a Sephora ( Go to store locator. Obviously, by my crazy travels, you can tell that they're everywhere!). Multi-task. Buy gifts for your friends and family and then ssk them if you can contribute something to the charity they're playing Santa to. They're not only giving things on the list. They're also giving things off the list. Basics. Like linens. And blankets. I'm sure they'd appreciate it! Santa can't do it all.


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