get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

3 Moving Men, 12 Hours, 5 Car Trips and a Sinus Infection.

Of course where there is drama, there is a breakdown. So that came after the moving van left. The z-pack apparently didn't kick in fast enough. A sinus infection? Not fun. Moving your whole life with a sinus infection? Much less not fun. Particularly when not sleeping. And then there's that little thing in the back of your head that makes you emotional about where you're moving to...

It didn't help that my original movers dumped me. Yep. They had a bigger move. More important people. Some Malibu couple who has lots of homes and move alot. Which means a constant flow in their bank account. And me? Well, I don't flow all that often. If at all. Clearly. Anyway. At the end of the day, they pushed me off on All American Movers. Headed by an entertaining Israeli man named Jack. Okay. So it didn't sound that way when he said it. But after a bit of confusion and explanation-slash-embarrassment, I finally got it right. And when all was said and done? I think we might have even bonded. Jack told me he didn't understand the concept of antiques, why I was moving home or single. God bless him, right?

My mother thought he and his crew were very professional. So did her boyfriend. And so did I. Only that they didn't bring a big enough truck. So that meant and still means that I'm moving stuff myself. Which is part of the reason you pay for movers. To not have to do that. But. Yeah. Not their fault. The first movers didn't tell them the right info. Blah blah blah. Which has meant that this sickness and move have basically been going on forever. Which pretty much blows. (Yes, I'm eloquent when sick).

As a result, I won't be able to go on my trip to New York which is scheduled for tomorrow. Which is a huge bummer. I was really looking forward to it. To seeing my friends. To the reprieve. To seeing NYC at Xmas. To the first time I'd actually be put up in a hotel by the little skincare company that could. But. With the move and all? It's just not going to happen. Which is fine. It actually doesn't feel right to be working for them at all any more. I feel like it's time to move on to a new chapter. Because if that had worked, I wouldn't be here.

I just want next year to be better. Because this move has not been easy. Trying to figure out what to take my mother's and what to leave in storage. How to fit my entire life into a very small space that I inhabited over 20 years ago while opening Christmas cards from friends who are married with children and send the pictures to prove it. How and when to sell things and if I even can. While sleeping on the hardwood floor at my soon to be old apartment so that I can wake up and move more things into storage. Moving being yet one more case when men, people who overgive or just plain fools who can be roped into helping move a person come in handy. Particularly a person who really can't do much for them at the present time.

And... according to Chakrapani, I won't be able to for awhile. Yes. That's wha I said. No, I didn't pay to see him again. See, during the move, I saw all of my CDs and tapes and various other reminders of things that I did to give me hope or direction or just a little reprieve from what I tell myself while trying to make my life work. Chakrapani was one of those things. So. I wrote him. Since he did say it was supposed to get better. And sure, he may be an astrologer and there may not be any guarantees, but it doesn't hurt to know what he thinks about all of this, right?

Well. This is what he said:

Dear Jody:

I am sorry to read about your troubles. Even though things should have improved from the 36th year, your second part of life starts at 40. It will definitely be better thereafter. Ups and downs is a pattern of your life. We can't help it - try to live with that.

With best regards.


It should be noted that he told me the first part of my life would be filled with obstacles, suffering and delays. And the second part, I would have the success of two lifetimes. This is when you wish for a short life. Or. You make do. This is me making do. Typing on my mother's computer. Because there is no wireless service available here. At all. In this city. That is not ridiculously expensive. Seriously. There is also no cable. Well, there is. But there are also reasons not to have it and too many different companies and choices. I can't even get into it. Really. So it may not happen for me here. I may have to buy rabbit ears. Yes. Rabbit ears. That's what my mother uses. Did I mention that there is no Whole Foods and that Katella Deli doesn't have bagel chips?


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