get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Coming Back To Life.

Today was a more relaxed day at work. Despite the fact there was a crash in Gainesville, Florida and one of the drivers was hurt. Everyone's really worried. And not because it can affect the show. Because they care. And yes, it can affect the show. Reality is like that. It can create a story that you least expect or kill one that you were working on because it ends up going nowhere. Adds a bit of excitement to the process, that's for sure. This was the beginning of week four and I think I'm getting the hang of it. Getting comfortable with it. And less worried about the outcome. Who knew. Me. Comfortable?

I did have to do about three hours of field notes on Sunday but that was okay. I like doing them because that way I know what's going on in the show before everyone else. I had a slight panic attack last night pre-field notes when I didn't get as much done as I'd like. No writing at all. Just yoga and a ridiculous dinner at my sisters house that I'm not going to get into. It falls under the category of things I should have known by now about what she will and won't do for me and 10 self-help books later... well, at least I know why I believe things will be different. And perhaps calling myself on it will change it. Even though getting angry at her won't do a damn thing. They say it takes only 21 times of doing something before it becomes a habit. So I've got a ways to go.

Mom and I went to Fashion Island on Sunday. Which was a bizarre experience. I only went for American Rag. It's one of my favorite stores in LA and I was so happy to know it was in the OC. At Fashion Island no less. In a mall. Which does not fit and that's what's so great about it. All the stuff that's snatched up in LA in like five minutes? Well it just sits there in OC. I know this because the salespeople told me. The people in OC don't get it. American Rag's thing. They wear jeans and t-shirts and carry Chanel and Louis Vuitton bags and drive white Jags and Mercedes and BMWs. The high point of my weekend was when Mom bought me a pre-birthday gift. A Steven Alan shirt. Which made me happy but also I felt a bit guilty. Just 20 more times and it might feel perfectly normal to get gifts!

Still, I woke up in the middle of the night last night. Got some more stuff done. Then went to bed. Then woke up again an hour later. Am very tired tonight. And that's about it. Nothing else to report. Oh, there is a hot guy working on the show in the office building next to us. And I love the valets who park our cars. Because they're very nice to me and my ghetto car.


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