get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Day 1 at the New Job.

Today I left the house at 7:27am and got to work at 9:04am. It's so surreal to be driving past my old area which is just 10 minutes from the production office. Still, I don't feel like I should be there -- at that apartment-- nor do I want to be there. At all. Clearly if this job and everything that has been happening was supposed to happen when I was living there, it would have . Nonetheless, I will have to live for this job for the next 10 weeks because the commute is about 3 hours every day. Or 2 1/2. Still. I feel lucky. Tired, but lucky. And I'd MUCH rather live for this job than basically any other one I've had in the last 6 years. But it's scary. I was insecure more than once today. Wondering what was okay to ask questions about and what I should fake. Every show is different. But still.

They weren't kidding about the whole "hit the ground running" thing. I wrote a scene today having not seen what was shot and just pulling audio from transcripts. Which is strange. It felt weird. Not to have all the information going in. I like information. Everyone else in the story department started last week. And two of the three people were on the show last year. So I am playing catch up. I like everybody, though. They're nice. And relaxed.

Tonight I'm going to watch a few more shows and then go to bed. Which doesn't make Skunk very happy. She still wants to play.


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