get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

A Blonde and Her Boundaries.

And when I say blonde, I'm talkin' blonde. I didn't leave the house that way though. Somehow, I left the house this am with golden blonde hair with my dark blonde/brown hair mixed in-- aka not even a quarter as blonde as all the blonde-haired women at my nephew's OC basketball game. And then I drove up to LA, boundary learning book in hand and came back as Julie said, with a "look". A too blonde look. Which is not at all what I wanted or even had in mind. How perfect is that? I was too busy learning about boundaries to implement them.

Friday, while at 3Ball (that's the production company where they make Beauty & The Geek and The Biggest Loser), I got a call from a placement company who wanted me to meet on a Creative Executive position - SLASH - Assistant position. At the slash, a little red flag went up. And I drew a line. Because I'd been down that road a few too many times. I said thank you and I would be happy to meet about the Creative Executive position, but I'm familiar with combined positions and if you're a CE and you're in a meeting with a director about his movie and discussing notes on the script one minute and fetching him lunch the next... well, your notes get discounted. You'll never get the respect you want as a Creative Executive or have enough time to do your job properly. (Because instead of being at lunch networking or finishing up script notes, you're at the drycleaners or the copy place or post office. Or doing some other bit of minutae. And hey, many other CE's have assistants!). The woman went on to say well, fetching lunch is a part of the position. Well, not any position I want. I'd rather be at 3Ball and work my way up a ball at a time.

So back to Saturday... Here I am, acting blonde, by proceeding to quite happily read my boundary book while waiting for my hairdresser to finish up with another client. Then after listening to him talk about himself, his new boyfriend and his life, my color cooked and cooked and cooked and I intently made my way through another chapter on the beauty of developing boundaries thinking such happy thoughts as: I'm on my way! I can do this! I proceeded to ignore my too blonde hair and the lesson that was happening at that very moment. I arrived thinking I wanted to embrace my innter Natalie Maines (the newly brunette Dixie Chick) and get in touch with my darker roots. Literally. But my natural roots are nowhere to be found now.

I somehow failed to vibe with my hairdresser. We have actually never vibed. But there was the whole trade thing. Which somehow got a bit muddy while I read my boundary book. Somehow my hairdresser found fit to charge me $250 yes - that's right $250. Which is wrong on so many levels. First of all, I don't care if it's usually $500 - because it's usually not for me!!! I do not spend that kind of money on my hair. Ever. I only spend that kind of money on my storage space! Or a cute outfit! So needless to say, my hairdresser clearly believes his skills are more valuable than the pr skills I have and/or the work I've done for him. The hairdresser would be wrong. But since he was gone to drink margaritas, I had to pay at the front desk.

I left the salon quite thrown that my entire paycheck would go to my too blonde hair. Which I do know I bear responsibility for -- I should have clarified where we stood beforehand -- but the last three times were comped. Granted this is the first haircut he's given me. But come on, $250??? So I'm thinking to start, we need to discuss the whole trade situation. Which I want to put an end to actually. I then need to reiterate how much work I've done for him and that I feel he still owes me. He seems to not really realize how many hours of work and how many connections it takes to get press kits and reels done. His things done. I so hate that I have to do the whole practice run with him since he's definitely a man with much, much, much self esteem. Which means instead of the bunny slope, I have to move straight up to -- I don't know --some fancy ski slope (I don't ski. so hopefully you get the picture) and pray for the best. In any event, I'm thinking he has to add some lowlights. I don't care if I paid for blonde. I like my roots.


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