get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Maybe It Was the Margarita at Lunch... But My Back is Better.

So the margarita at lunch? I didn't order it first. Obviously. A couple other people on the show ordered them to celebrate their last day (in a party of 8) and then I joined in the drinkage ordering after the fact. That I got invited to join the lunch at all was key. With the editors and writers on the show. (And a lot of thanks goes to Isaac. He's frinkin' adorable. Young. Cool. Hip. And he beats to his drummer. Which I dig. Yes, I just said dig.) It was nice to be asked to join the group so early in the game. No Julie in sight to include me (although I would have loved for her to have been there). It just happened because it's working for me there in that group. The chemistry. And I love that. It's just that kind of production office. The kind you can belong in. Today was tres kick back. Which I forgot happens on shows. It's hurry up and wait. (Every dollar I've made over the last five years has been earned with a lot of blood, sweat and tears... too much so. The thought that I could make money... even not very much by sitting on my ass and doing my own shit? Well, I forgot that happens.)

This group doesn't have a lot of attitude. In fact, none at all. Even the girls that are of the I'm-far-too-clever-to-bother-with-make-up-or-contacts-types. Sure, there was a moment of pause as I came up with a few sarcastic remarks on par with their own. But then they saw I wasn't competing. I was just being me and laying low. And they were fine. It was fun. I did get outed as a Drew Carey writer by two story assistants but I've not said a peep about it other than to them (they were the only ones in the room) by confirming the fact. This is an entirely different deal. A different chapter in my life. What I know does help. Age and experience does help. And as Seth so sweetly said yesterday, "Grace helps." God bless him. That's a great thing to hear.

I go back Wednesday at some ungodly hour of the am -- like 7. Okay, not ungodly but commute-wise, less than fun. But it's worth it. I know it is. And it's Valentine's Day. And although I don't have a Valentine... I've never had a Valentine... (sob sob)... I do get to hang with Isaac and Sean at some crazy bar where they do trivia. And I'm thinking that might just be a good Valentine's Day after all.


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