get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Program is Working.

I had a ridiculous amount of things I wanted to write about tonight. I was thinking about it as I was traipsing through the bookstore. So loving the grammar section and being obsessed with making sure I was 100% correct with everything on this novel that I'm editing. And being so annoyed at myself for forgetting the comma rule. Meaning where the comma goes when you have at least three or four adjectives modifying a noun. And then I got annoyed about the it's-its thing. Which I know but am second-guessing myself. So I bought the Chicago Manual Style-- which is just a really big reference book for writers and editors and considered a bible of sorts (but kind of hard to read). I also bought Eats, Shoots and Leaves which is a funny book on grammar and how no one knows anything about it. It was also a bestseller for over a year and I'm just now buying it. I mean, I do get this stuff. But unfortunately, when developing my own voice as a writer, I changed the rules. Not like James Frey-- meaning that I change punctuation mainly for effect, kind of like he did. But that being said, I love embracing my inner geek and re-learning the right way to do things.

Maybe that's why I was also exploring the self-help section again. Which really, you need help to find anything in. Which if people have any of the problems on the titles of the books, they may not be so inclined to ask for help in finding. Mine was pretty funny and the "drone" at Border's seemed amused (he called himself that, not me). But apparently, I'm supposed to stop with the whole boundary research, because I got a call for a job!! Julie called me-- just two days past avid exploring and I'm going to log for the company she's working for. According to Isaac, the guy she put me on with, it's a five day job, but the key is that it could lead to more. Especially with Julie on my side. I nearly cried in the bookstore when she told me. Okay, I choked up. I so needed this.

The most bizarre thing of all in all of this? I'm doing my Magick Program again. (Yes, Magick. As in MagickLady). When I did it last time, that's when I sold my essay and spoke to my dad, and my old boss tried to help me out. This time, my friends are hooking me up in jobs where I want to be. The goal being to get to writing there, too. I'm still working on my script. I'm still putting my stuff out there. But I need to pay my bills and get out of dodge (aka Cypress. Which makes me wonder... where did that expression come from? Where's Dodge?). I've seen a lot of my friends do the program, too-- "Life Magick." And I've got to say, it's done wonders for them. And for me. And I'm so happy. That it's working. And I'm working. Tomorrow!!!


Blogger BigBaldEd said...

Good Luck...we all Love You!!!

11:22 AM  

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