get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Baby Steps. But At Least They're Steps. Closer. To Being Creative.

It started with a good, no -- actually, a great meeting with my friend Sonja. Who had never read my screenplay (the ancient one). Who read the screenplay and said she laughed out loud and that it had texture. ( I love the word texture!! That's like the greatest compliment ever to me!!! I always said I wanted to marry someone with texture). Anyway, she also read the article I read in Glamour and as it pertains to my script, she sees what I see. Which was all very exciting. And that was yesterday. And after that? I went to work. Yes, work. A freelance job that my friend Carla got me on a Travel Channel show!!! And I've gotta say, even though it's not paying much ($10 an hour) and I'm just typing the dialogue that I see on the footage, it made me happy. Happy to be working on a show again. Any show. In any capacity. Because it doesn't matter what I do for them in that production office, but what it makes my mind do for me. And in creative environments, I am creative. It fuels me. I see possibility. I see story. I love production offices. The people who work in them. Guys, girls. Whoever. The fact that something is getting made. A story is being told. And Carla? She's been introducing me to people. And talking me up at the show with people. And we've been carpooling. Which is really fun. You know, I'm so rarely a passenger. Normally I'm the driver. Always the driver. I can count the times on one hand that I've been sitting in the passenger seat in the last year. But today, Carla drove me. And you know what? It was nice-- actually, a relief-- to be in the other seat for a change. And let someone else drive. To navigate the ebbs and flows. While I just was-- as Carla said-- bubbly Jody. WIthout a function or responsibility. I was just myself. Because no matter what I'm doing and what's happened in my life, that hasn't gone away, she said. And it's nice to to know that some people still recognize it. And even more so, that they think that's enough.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanted to write you officially - that I am so freaking thrilled that you got out of the mud - and bubbly. I knew Carla could help and I am proud of her for stepping up as a friend and of YOU for stepping out (baby or otherwise) to some self satisfaction!!

4:37 PM  

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