get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My Own Pursuit of Happyness.

So yesterday, I went and saw The Pursuit of Happyness with mom -- for free! Which she liked. The WGA card makes her think that having me around may pay off somehow. I'm not sure how she felt about my sobbing during the movie, though. She's not much of a crier. But I am. Particularly when Will Smith told his son not to listen when someone tells him he can't do something. And to protect his dream. I'm a sucker for good parenting. My crying, however, didn't start until Will Smith's son asked him if his mom left because of him. Yes, being from a broken home there are just some buttons that are no brainers to push. And then there was the not having money thing. And not giving up thing. And making it thing. Well. It worked for me. I came back all tired and drained and motivated at the same time. And I read my script. And realized it may be farther along than The Holiday... but not quite where The Pursuit of Happyness is at. In other words, I need to get my shit together.

Still, it's so quiet here, that I think about nothing else than this script. And getting out of here, of course. No. Actually, it's not that bad anymore. If you don't care about seeing any human beings other than people you're related to. The Dish works and mom worked out the whole billing thing and is only angry at my old landlord for not sending the security deposit yet. Which is her money. I mean, money I owe her to pay for the very expensive move to the 10x25. Which I can completely understand. I'd be annoyed, too. Anyway. When we came out of the movie, my mom was all worried about the kid in the movie and what happened to him. And I was wondering if he ever saw his mother again. So we bonded over the kid. I mean, I get the whole Chris Gardner needing to be a good dad part. And given my circumstances, I wish I could arrange a private screening for my father. But that would be a waste, as I've learned. I would have to arrange some sort of hypnosis session or something. Which again, would be a waste. But a kid also needs their mother. I'm kind of partial to that whole two parent thing. That's how I want to do it. Otherwise, I would have done it by now. And probably would be much happier in some respects. The kid? Well, that's another story. I would want the dad to be there. And if he didn't want to be. Well. That's something you live with for the rest of your life. And so does your kid.

Back to happiness. Spelled properly. And I'm glad the movie sorted that out, by the way. Bad spelling drives me crazy. I seriously couldn't date a guy who wrote me a love letter because he couldn't spell. I couldn't take it. I will say I'm happy not to have to ask for half of the bills or toilet paper or worry if someone else will pay or if I can pay or if someone is home watching something. Which is a relief. I mean, mom? She works out three times a day. She walks, she Curves, she bikes with her boyfriend. Me? I'm just here. So I'm sure I don't have long before mom gives me the evil eye. But I have a plan. So that helps. And she sees me working in between workouts. So that helps. When I finish this script-- "What Looks Like Freedom" -- I'm buying myself that necklace. Not to hold the torch for the ex-convict. But for me. Because I'm ready for a little freedom. He's had it for awhile. He's had a lot of things. I like the key. It's a cute little touch. It also adds a few bills to the equation. Cute is not cheap.

So today I did Orange County yoga. Which was slow. Yet hard. And mellow. Driving there? Easy. Parking? Easy. No hip music. No long lines of hip people. No famous people. And that was fine. I'm adapting. Even if the yoga instructor didn't have a sense of humor. I always get thinking during yoga. Which is a good thing. Next time I'm bringing a notebook even if he doesn't find it amusing. I came up with some good stuff in downward dog. And afterwards? I dropped off brownies at my sister's that I baked for my nephew. He likes brownies and when I'm bored? I bake. When I need to stay awake? I bake. My AP Biology class in high school loved me. And hopefully now, my nephew will. If not, he has a mom and dad. He'll be fine. Happyness for all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish you the best of luck. I know you are having it hard now, and so have I. Now you know what (financial) freedom will feel like. Keep working at it. Freedom is hard to obtain (in all forms.
Good luck in your journey.
-The ex-con

10:56 PM  

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