get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Friday, January 05, 2007

What My Life Comes Down To aka My Life in a Storage Space

I know, I know. It's not that bad. No social life. No stuff. Lots of people are single at 38. With no kids and no divorce behind them. No ring on their right finger. At least I have my uterus. Even if I'm not using it for anything important. Unlike that one disabled girl whose parents removed it so she wouldn't develop. And I'm not lost at sea like that one guy. Well, not literally. Just metaphorically. So what if he has four women waiting for him? Okay, only one that he can sleep with. The others are his children and that would just be wrong.

Anyway, the storage space is depressing. Sorry, but true. It is. I would close my eyes when we drove through but it's a busy place and I might hit someone. So again, lots of people have their lives in storage. Or just own a lot of shit. Still, I liked my shit. Kind of miss it. Not enough to go to the storage space very often though. It's not like I can touch things or reminisce or anything. Everything's all wrapped up.

So on the whole wrapping it up bandwagon of life, I'm trying to keep all of my New Year's resolutions. I would post them here, but I'd guess anyone who's ever read one posting of mine could probably figure out what I need to do. Or need to work on. So why bore you? The rest of you can catch up. Life in storage. Go.

So welcome to this exciting life change for 2007. It seems did peg my move and all of this other stuff. Aries all over America are moving. So if you overhear someone mentioning a move at a bar, bet they're an Aries and see if they'll buy you a drink when you win. Anyway, I can't wait to see if they're right on everything else. If so, I'll be getting a fantastic opportunity in the second half of January. Fingers crossed. I did submit an essay today that I wrote this week. And sent a few other pitches in, too. Yesterday was spent doing research on all the fabulous places that might find anything I have to say interesting. I've also been reading my friend's book to give him notes and help him out if I can. And getting my head back into writing my script. Which is quite heady, I must say.

It's weird to be so cut off from everything. This is validation of why I worked so hard to stay where I was. I'm a city girl. I like stimuli. Independence. People. Places. And things. Not as many things as my mom. Trust me. She put half of her townhouse outside just so these two women could come in and clean this morning. Don't ask. I can't even go there. Where was I? Cut off. That's right.

Oh. John McQ sent me this blog. And told me to check it out. It is quite funny. Yes, funnier than me. But who isn't?

And the cute guy from Oliver People's called me today. My glasses are ready. He said they look good. Maybe he wants to take them to dinner. I wonder if I can go, too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How are you cut off? Are you going to change the name of the blog for the New Year?


6:10 PM  

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