get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

So Much For Security.

So it's the weekend. And when I woke up this morning, I wanted to go to Runyan Canyon and hike. The problem? Runyan Canyon is an hour away. And then there's that little matter of gas money. Up and back costs me $15.00 and I am unemployed. And actually trying to get out of mom's, not stay here forever. There is the part of me that wants to say, "Who cares, drive to Runyan. Give yourself that one little thing. Money be damned." I mean, I do need my glasses adjusted. And to pick up my boots at Pasquale. And to show my missing piece of car to the place that did the shoddy job putting it on. Even though they only have a one year warranty and it was one year and eight months when it flew off on the 405. Hopefully not hurting anyone in the process. I wonder if I should have pulled over and retrieved it? If a car hit me, it would get me out of Cypress quicker... and into intensive care. There are no hospitals here. So I'd be in Los Alamitos or Long Beach or maybe even UCLA. If only. I know that's really no laughing matter. I need my face. And working body parts. I'm still single. I had two friends have parents who had major health scares this past week. And I should be thankful that's not something I've had to contend with. My mother is healthy. Her sister, though, my aunt, isn't doing so well. Which I worry about.

Yesterday, I spoke to my old landlord because he still hasn't sent back the security deposit. The law says 21 days. It's been 28. Like he cares. He said he lost my address. Which apparently, it didn't occur to him to call and get. He took it down again. Said he was sending the check that day. Later last night, I saw I had a voicemail. Apparently he's now confused about how much he owes me. And says he has to recalculate. Never mind that I explained it all in a letter to him. Sent him a copy of the lease which he somehow lost so he had no idea how much my security deposit was. It's the same amount it's always been. He owed me $1750 less the $300 he wanted for cleaning. Which seemed like alot for cleaning. But I gave it to him just to appease him. Kelly had a cleaning crew ready to come in. They were only going to charge $150 or something like that. But we cancelled them. I don't know what his problem is. The man has more money than he knows what to do with. That's exactly how he was whenever anything needed to be fixed. He would wait forever to deal with it. Then finally have people come and do a crummy job. And complain about how much it cost him. And how hard it was to be a landlord. When they painted the building they didn't let any of the tenants know and one of the girls who lives in the front got her brand new curtains ruined since her windows were open and she wasn't home to close them. The painters painted anyway. My old landlord, Cavour? He told her that having a building that looked nice on the outside should make up for the curtains. She spent $600 on them. He offered her $50. My next door neighbor, David, fought with Cavour a lot, too. David had good reason. He did tons of work on the place himself-- refinished the hardwood floors, painted, etc. Cavour didn't care.

Okay. So I just called him. He wanted to charge me more. I told him that he gave me his word. And then he said that I still had some things in the kitchen area the day after I moved out. Which I did. But he had said "take your time" and "no problem when I said I was coming to get them that next day" and apologized because I was sick. And so I believed him. When I got there, there was this guy there who was preparing to paint and I went in and got my things. It's a big place. He was in the bedrooms. I didn't get in his way. The guy was there every single day doing work that week and still never made it to the kitchen. I told my landlord I didn't get it. He was being so nice before. Which I appreciated. But then he was going back on being nice. I wasn't sure why he was penny pinching me. So now he says, he's going to send the money. The originally agreed upon amount. We'll see. I don't really trust the guy. Legally, he's supposed to send the breakdown of everything he's spending the $300 on. Anything over $125 that a landlord keeps from a security deposit. I hope it doesn't come down to me having to ask him for that. Even if he did charge for the extra day or days, it would be $120 for him. So if we had cleaned it ourselves... which he didn't want us to do since he's renovating the whole place-- we'd be at about $300 anyway. Argh.

Now I'm just going to go to Orange County yoga. He took the wind out of my sails.


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