get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Good Writing. Bad Life...?

Okay, that sounds kind of down. And it is a bit. Why pretend? I'm just kind of in shock that I'm sitting here. At my mom's. And that this somehow became my life. And that it's all because of me. Working since 16. And this is still. All because of me.

When I was talking to Laura yesterday and talking about my script and writing and basically my life, I said that before I left LA, so many things weren't working that I didn't even know what to focus on first... money, a man, work, writing...?? Now, at least there's only one thing I can focus on. She told me I should try and match (as in I told her I'd rather jump off of my mother's new Dish. And I meant it. For oh so many reasons.

I had a hard enough time when I was on the show and wanted love and a life. (Which was only a million years and lots of failed situations ago). I lost the show, but didn't get love. Just a life. Just not the life I wanted. Weird how that happens, right? When I thought I had love, I did. But the other person just had a place to stay until he could get the hell out. Weird how that happens, right?

Clearly, there are lessons here. I'm just a little tired of them. To be the person left behind. I feel like I should star in my own after school special. If only. I could act. But, no. Luckily, I did write today. All day. And got some good stuff down. Effortlessly. Also weird. But now, I'm tired. Mom is doing her millionth workout of the day and then has a date with her boyfriend. If only.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what stupid advice.

the best way to get to a 'power' place inside,,,is to meditate on the word,,,"creation". say it slowly, in a quiet place. Creation is the name of the Creator.

You are beautiful, and damn it people like you!!

and I like that screen play idea!!
continue to write,,,I do believe that you will come up with a geat screenplay, if you keep kicking around those great ideas in your head.
,,,,what about a screen play about two parents who turn their adult child into a kid again, to raise the child correctly?

all my blessings, The White Witch

9:02 AM  

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