get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Another Degree of Stephen Hopkins. And I Can Do String Outs!

Okay, so as of 12:30am I still hadn't heard back from anyone I needed to hear back from re: hooking up my on-the-fly avid tutorial. And then Carla called to congratulate me. She had lots of great suggestions. All of which I tried and the last one which really worked for me -- to call this guy, John Rogan -- a post supervisor who I logged for in January (when she hooked me up). I only logged for him for 2 weeks. But as luck would have it, he was not only incredibly nice to me, but also meeting with his editors in Santa Monica and he said they had to do some string outs. So he told me to go ahead and meet him there. So I threw my jeans on, my hair up and got in the car. As it turned out, I was 8 hours too early because they had some unexpected problems in the edit bay. But it was fine. I read time code scripts-- which are a totally different animal than the kind you write for sitcoms or movies and studied the differences in how they were written. Actually, just studied how they were written. Period. Things like chyrons and close-ups and times codes and interviews versus footage. I just absorbed. Absorbed. Absorbed and absorbed. Then I watched more "Driving Force" episodes which I was able to do with the help of the new post supervisor, Tom, who I just met tonight and who, as it turns out, also worked on "Blown Away" -- and knows Stephen Hopkins. It's a crazy, small world, I say.

So I went to Whole Foods and got a salad for me for dinner and fun snacks for the guys as a thank you. And then at around a quarter to 10pm, Luke, the assistant editor, was ready for me. Luke showed me what I needed to know in 20 minutes. He was very cool. And helpful. I feel SO much better. I get it now. I just might be able to string with the best of them!! Or at least fake it a lot better. And tomorrow when I get there, at least I know I'm going in feeling like I did everything I could to be ready.


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