get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Friday, March 09, 2007

A Learning Curve I Can Live With.

Yesterday it took me nearly two hours to get to work. I was late. I hate being late. Especially when I left the house before most people I work with even got out of bed. I know this because a few of them told me what time they woke up. It's a crummy feeling to walk in late. I know it happens. But traffic seems like a lame excuse. It seems like there shouldn't really be any excuses for not getting to work on time. Legitimate or not.

So I didn't go to lunch. I worked through it, just noshing on snacks I brought from home so I could redeem myself by finding a clip the Supervising Story Producer needed. I spent all day looking for that clip, but never found one he could use. After I admitted defeat, it took the editor just three minutes. The good thing is I became an expert on pilotware and the show. The bad thing is I became frustrated and felt inept. So instead of going out with my friend Megan, I went to yoga. I needed to get zen with myself. The good news? The yoga class was good. And even better, it was just five minutes from work. Yes, at yet another YogaWorks location. This one on Larchmont. I went to a class on Monday night, too, but that one was a weird class. There was no music. And people were gassy. Not to mention the guy next to me was a moaner and did this loud and disturbing Darth Vadar type breathing all through class. That night I did not feel zen. The class last night was much better. There was music. Peace. And a minimum of gas. Or at least the music covered up the telltale signs.

Afterwards, I went to Whole Foods and stocked up on food in case I had to work through lunch again. Today, I didn't. I left earlier. And I got in so early that the office wasn't even open yet. Then once it was, everyone else was late. It does seem to work that way, doesn't it? The drive today felt much easier. Because I got all a book on DVD from Simply Audio Books. It's kind of like Netflix but for books. I used to listen to books in the car all the time when I worked on Drew. Since then, I haven't had enough of a commute. Now? I could become the smartest woman in America. Or at least as smart as a 5th grader.

I was smart about one thing today. Eva, one of the story producers, spilled coffee on her laptop. Which is something I had done maybe 6 or so years ago. I had to replace the logic board. It was easily $500 or $600. That hurt. It also left an impression. So much so that I even remembered the whole logic board thing and just what to do. When Eva got back from taking her computer to MacEnthusiasts she said that my quick thinking probably saved her hard drive. That made me happy.

So did getting to write a scene today. I watched a lot of footage this week. I know it's par for the position, but I was kind of burning out a bit because until someone needs to know what's in the scene, it feels like you're not doing anything. I had feeling like I'm not doing anything. So when our Supervising Story Producer asked me to rite a scene. I was ecstatic. It was my first scene, I overwrote it a bit. There is a bit of a difference between scripted and reality. You write scenes with time codes and have to cut around things. In scripted, you just move lines around. And make it work how you want. I stressed out a bit at first. But had a great time doing it. My brain is happy when it's being used. I didn't even mind that my plans tonight canceled. I barely even noticed. I finished up at 10:30. And afterwards, the Supervising Story Producer told me just what I needed to do differently next time. I felt like I had learned something and I got it. And that this learning curve might not be as long as the whole learning I'm codependent one. Thank God.


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