get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

What Time is It?

I am quite confused.

After having a lovely time in Virginia Beach (thank God!) even though there weren't any sand castles (I was there pre-Neptune Festival), I drove 6 hours to Solebury PA where my cousin lives with his family. It was the strangest road trip ever. To say the least, it scared the shit out of me when I was driving over this long, single lane bridge that goes over the ocean from VA to MD. Or was it Delaware? I think Delaware. Anyway, it was a beautiful, awesome sight. Did I mention I can't swim? I won't forget that view. Ever. It was **pardon me for saying this** so movie. The towns I went through were random and odd and made me wonder what determines how someone ends up there and how they're ever able to leave. And what they do to pay their bills when they're there. Although, let's be honest-- these are not places where Gucci and Prada are household names. Rather, they have on the fly flea markets for people driving through. And signs posted selling fish, fruits and vegetables. I should have gotten pictures. I hate when I don't get pictures.

My cousin and his family were amazing. I love the town where they live. It's quaint, yet hip. Close to NYC and Philadelphia. Dorothy Parker got married there. There are lots of trees. So many trees. And land. Everyone has land. And sushi. They have sushi. Great sushi. The work? Not the best part. It's always disconcerting to hit these small towns who have no reps who ever visit the stores so the people who work at the store are a little too excited to see you. (Perhaps that's what men feel like when they date me). I met a miner who had the odd problem of dirt and dust in her skin clogging her pores and the heat aging her skin. Not to mention, a husband who looked down on her because of what she did for a living. That one's a toughie. All the way around. Her husband and skin and being a miner...? Then there was the BBW employee who had gastric bypass and was so sweet to tell me I'm stunning and that my not having a husband had nothing to do with me. In the end, I lost track of time, worked two hours longer than I was supposed to and trained everyone in the store. I also missed having dinner wtih my cousin and his daughters which was a bummer. But I had to remember why I was there in the first place and just what was paying the bills. Which is still hard to wrap my head around. So many things I'd rather to do to pay the bills. But travel is a bonus. But so is staying home and not needing to. See that whole confusing thing? My out of pocket expenses? Well, they're up to $1200. Not including the whole lamp-bed fiasco. Which was not settled by a letter from Ramada saying they couldn't do a thing because they're independently owned and operated and my best recourse would be to talk to the management. I can't even go there.

I got home Monday night at midnight. I left Wednesday night on the red eye to Miami. I didn't want to go. Still don't want to be here. But I have to be. I worked today. Now I'm in my hotel room and am hungry. But have no energy to go in quest of food. And this place is not the kind of place that has room service. It's ** surprise ** another Ramada Inn. Although, much better than the other. The good news re: the no energy and no room service? No money is spent and I'm not gaining any weight. And I can pay my bills. It's good to be able to pay my bills. I have to conduct 2 trainings tomorrow. Needless to say, I'm not looking like a skincare guru right now what with the flights and the lack of sleep. I'm sure I'm a huge selling point. But what can you do? I head back on Saturday morning. I have until Tuesday. To see my cats. My friends. Write. Dryclean and wash stuff. Wish me luck. Or sleep. I'd settle for sleep.

I do so want to and need to stop moving long enough to write. To sleep.


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