get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

A Paris Sighting Enroute to Hawaii

Well, I didn't actually see her. I saw the paparazzi aka two guys with cameras. And then I saw the black Escalade and approached them and asked them who they were waiting for, Paris Hilton? And they said, "actually, yes." Who knew? You can't leave the house without running into a celebrity nowadays. Or at least Paris Hilton. I've seen her more times than I can count. She's usually shopping. Anyway, I then called Romy who was in Terminal 4 to report the Paris sighting (she used my American miles to fly to Hawaii, the company flew me United, so we were in different terminals) and she said, "That's so weird. I just saw Nicky Hilton. She's walking around the airport by herself." Apparently, she was wearing sunglasses, she has dark hair and no handlers. Paris had lots of handlers. I take it that the brunette standing by the Escalade is her friend or assistant of sorts. And then there were some higher up escorts circling back and forth and some bodyguardish type of guy. I didn't see that pr dude that gotten written up in the New York Times this past weekend, but I'm sure he wasn't far behind. All very entertaining. To be honest, I would have rather seen Rachel Bilson. Apparently the two photogs were at LAX shooting Rachel Bilson who had just left on a flight. I told them I like her better. She has great style and according to Romy (who did hair on "The OC" for a few weeks), she's one of the nicest actresses she's ever met. So there you go.

This past weekend, Kelly saw Nicole Richie shopping on Larchmont Blvd and she said she is actually skinnier in person than she seems in the magazines-- if that's possible. That her thigh is the size of Kelly's knee. (Kelly doesn't have big knees, in case you're wondering. I, on the other hand, don't have such great knees-- but I digress). Last week? Romy saw Lindsay Lohan. Who she said is actually very pretty in person. Prettier than she thought. So there you go. Maybe you can believe Us, People, In Touch, Star, The Enquirer, and every entertainment news show out there.

My flight was amazing. I love United. It's my new favorite airline. One of the flight attendants hooked me up with leftover wine from first class... for free! (For the record, I will take first class leftovers any day). We got free headphones, a row to myself and Mission Impossible III for no charge. I also got to see The Office-- which I truthfully have never watched in its entirety and the weirdest thing-- a writer from Drew was not only a Co-Executive Producer on the show (which means he writes for it) but was also one of the characters on the show. I am confused by this. I had no idea he acted. Or if he acts on the show all the time. Anyway, did I mention United also had a game? Which I lost. But you can't win them all.
Poor Romy, on the other hand, had an overly full American flight. An annoying kid annoying her, headphones for purchase, wine for purchase and had to sit through RV. Oh, I forgot that there was a gassy woman sitting behind me. But even the Dollar rent-a-car lady was nice to me. This Hawaii thing has Boston beat, I'll tell you that much.

Re: the post that mentioned Todd the manager-- just so he knows and you know, he didn't give me the third degree. Really. He asked the questions you ask or are supposed to ask. Which no one has asked me in a very long time. And those questions feel hard when you don't have the answers. Or at least not the right answers. And the conversation feels like a bad first date you just want to be over so you can get to the bad second date-- which has less of a stigma. And Todd, I am in no way insinuating you would be a bad first date or second date. In fact, you were quite lovely. Even if you do think I seem sad. But so does John Q and one of the other Johns. And alot of other people. Because that's how it reads. It's the people who talk to me all the time who know I'm not sad so they don't see it the same way. So maybe every person who reads the blog should call me and we'll hang out and you can tell me if it still feels as sad. Which it still might. Which is probably why I'm no longer paid to write comedy. Or write period. But I hope to change that. As soon as I get my Hawaii on.


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