get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Life on Standby.

This is probably not a good thing that I do. This traveling on standby thing. I do know it. And I know it's indicative of a larger problem. But I just can't help myself. I never want to travel on the flight I'm supposed to be on. I want the later flight. I want time. More time. I want to decide what time. The times I want? They are NEVER the times offered for reasonably priced tickets. Never the ones that the travel agent finds for you. (And not my particular travel agent... it took an overzealous Haitian pushing his way into my hotel room before she'd give me internet access. To that? I say, "harumph."... although to be honest, I say it to many more things, too).

This morning, I woke up at 3:37 to pack, answer emails, pack, find my animals and force them to bond with me, pack some more, stare at my dark roots and my chipped toenails. And look for red-eye flights so I could get rid of chips and roots (SUCH a good name for a salon, right?). The customer service guy from American Airlines was not so encouraging... he said the flight I wanted was overbooked... all the flights to Boston are overbooked aka "you may be in the airport until dawn.") That's okay. I just don't want to have to go early. With roots and chips. And I don't want to have to pay more. In the time since the plane I was supposed to be on took off, this is what I was able to accomplish:

check my emails
respond to 17 emails
sift through my mail
get my hair highlighted-- aka "roots be gone!"
return 4 phone calls
feed my cats
take out the trash
do a load of laundry
pack some more
call my roommate
call my cousin and plan to surprise his brother, my other cousin, at his 50th birthday party. It's only 3 hours from DC!
get a mani & pedi (Which I so desperately needed. Now? My toes are purple!... I'm sure the cousins will appreciate purple toes)
confirm Boston stores
confirm Boston hotel & rental car (for late, late, late aka next day arrival)
call this guy who runs the story department at a major agency who I haven't seen in a year and a half who I met through a girl I no longer talk to and offer up my free coverage services so I can get some samples together so I can get work. Translated to mean: I can once again get paid to read scripts. Which has always helped me to write. And pay my bills. Oh happy day.

The last one? Was remarkable! He was so so so incredibly nice that I'm still reeling. I mean, who calls someone after a year and a half with a name out of the air...? Well? It worked! And you know why? Because he said I did the absolute right thing. I offered to do it for free first. He said no one has ever done that before. And that's why he'll try to help me if he can. Is that not the coolest thing ever? Well, if you don't think so, let me just tell you that if I could read two scripts a day, I could stay in town. (Even though I do have the traveling bug lately... long term solutions. I'm working on long term solutions). Which means that I can get back in. I like being in. Out is... not so fun. Unless you're an on-purpose out which means you don't care any way or you're so out, that soon you'll be in. All that being said... standby. The only way to fly.

Wish me luck!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you get home without too much hassle in all the craziness!

- KAte

2:50 PM  

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