get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Completely Biased Reviews or Just Plain Nice Emails Re: My Essay

Since I used to pay a ridiculous amount of money to a therapist in an effort to deal with my shame, I thought I would prove to myself-- if to no one else-- that it was money well spent. (Or. That I've gone too far in the other direction). Because, let's be honest. I could really use that cash right about now. That being said, this is me being shameless. Sharing the nice things friends emailed to me after they read my essay.

And later today, after I've napped at my new hotel-- not so oddly, the two star Comfort Inn in Alexandria, Virginia

which more oddly has wireless internet and a working air conditioner-- I will share more of my Beauty-on-the-Go stories... (I don't mean I'm the beauty or anything-- I mean beauty being the industry I'm on the go for. And that's not being shameful or shameless, just honest). Thanks for reading. Even though I change my mind constantly about this whole blog and life thing. What can you do? My therapist wasn't a miracle worker.


You're fantastic.

i loved, loved, loved your essay! keep 'em comin' please.


I was so thrilled to read your piece in the Times. It was wonderful and sounded so natural. Lovely, lovely flow. With, of course, your trademark wit and humor.

You must be hearing from people out of the woodwork since last Sunday!


Jim and my neighbor liked your LA Times writing.


IT'S GREAT! I love how honest, open, dry and YOU it is. I love that you put yourself out there-really out there. It must feel sort of vulnerable but freeing and strong and brave. Jody, this article is awesome and I think its fabulous that it made it to the Sunday Times. Huge huge huge congratulations! I feel this is the start of something really great for you!!!

Sincerely - congratulations and welcome back to writing and fuck Hollywood :-)


Miss Paul,

Love the piece. You should do a continuing series. Maybe about how costly it is to have rich friends. Or how being broke ironically means paying more for everything. The juxtaposition of ridiculous wealth and poverty in one square block. Shit like that.

But it's still pretty cool being in the L.A. Times -- the second largest metropolitan newspaper in the country!

Never, never, never give up. Unless you're fighting me.


They did their best to edit the life out of that one, didn't they?

Edited as they might, they published it. That's remarkable in itself.

BTW, if the process to register for the site was any more complicated,
would have been easier to get in the car, drive cross country and buy
paper at an L.A. newstand. Holy crap!


Congratulations! Ever since we talked, I've made a habit of checking the magazine for your essay, and was really happy to find it yesterday. I know it's not exactly what you wanted, but I like it a lot. There was enough of you in it to make it funny, very female, and quite touching. Just for the hell of it, I'd be curious to see your original to compare it to the Westified version. I'm sure your orig had a lot more good snark-on-the-biz humor. Still and all I bet you get a lot of attention and further assignments off this. Say what you will about the LA Times (and I will say a LOT if given the chance), everybody reads it.


Hey there
I THOUGHT that was you!! I was sure it was.!! Congrats.. (how did you pitch them? Inquiring minds want to know!)

That was a piece I read *ENTIRELY* and loved and then I saw your name.


Well done, my friend! Humility is good for us all
isn't it? At least the kind that comes with a great
sense of humor and the talent to share it--as you
obviously do in spades...


Nice job, Jody. I like the style of the dialogue at the beginning and I like the tone of the piece.


Hey --

I actually saw and read the article without any prompting. Very well written and entertaining -- and I'm sure it was even better written before they made their little changes. It was nice to see your name in print (in print about a MILLION times, actually, based on their circulation.) Congrats! I'm proud of you!


Congrats. I just read it - it was great. Though it's funny having read your stuff I think I could tell where it was edited and where it was you. (Your writing is a lot more fresher than 'magazine speak'). But overall it had your sense of humor and was a fun and interesting essay! I hope this helps with other publications - I mean that's huge to be printed in the LA Times.


Miss Jody!!!!
WE saw it this morning and were oh so excited and proud of you. It's a great piece and wonderful material for either a novel ;-) OR a screenplay. Lots of love and congrats to you.


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