get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Another Day, Another Psychic or There is a Happy Ending

Yes, it's true. Under financial duress, I found a psychic who would not only do a reading, but a good reading. For cheap. And let me send her a check after I get paid. She was a psychic second opinion. And basically mirrored the predictions of Laura. With just a little more to chew on, if you will. A little more unusual stuff. Since she doesn't know me it felt real. And I do feel kind of like things are shifting and I'm letting go. And I'm not sure why I am, of what or exactly what that means. But things feel different. So I just kind of thought... why not? It would be nice to know that the direction I'm heading is the right one. This psychic saw me pretty accurately. Which is always disconcerting and comforting at the same time. Being seen. And understood... yes, there's that concept again. As if. Well anyway, if a psychic can't get you, who can? It made for a good morning. A good story. And a good story about me where I get my happy ending. I'll take that any day.

My happy ending? A man who gets me, loves me and two children... His. With me. Success. As a writer. She used that often coined phrase, "right around the corner" for the man. Which has turned out to be little longer corner than I had anticipated. But the same use of the same phrase over and over again does seem like a person should pay attention to it.
I just hope he shows up before he jaywalks and gets hit by a bus or something. He's supposed to be 6'3". Maybe he's still growing. I'm willing to take any excuse for his tardiness at this point.

She also mentioned that old script I wrote which didn't sell. And said it wasn't dead. So had Laura. And that guy on the airplane. So I'm pullling it out and seeing what about it can work. She said I'd learned my lessons. And I won't make them again. Hallelulah. She also explained why one particular person is in my brain and I can't extricate said person which is quite frustrating. And painful. Extrication sounds much less painful than how it's hurt my heart. A frontal lobotomy sounds less painful. She said we knew each other in a past life. And pegged certain behaviors, if you will. From me and him. I'm not sure if you people believe in past lives. But it does make sense on some level if you meet someone and it's like you always knew them and you're drawn to them and behave in abnormal ways for you just with them. Yada yada yada.

This psychic also communicates with the dead. Which led Kelly and me to a conversation about the dead who love you and surround you and watch over you. Who have been in your house and know when you're sad. Do they also know and see when you're having a one night stand? Not that I've had one of those in years... and I think I only had one ever. But are they watching? And do they know if a person masturbates? I'll stay moot on the whole masturbation thing. Some things are better left unsaid. Caren said if you want privacy, you should just tell the spirits to be gone. Which is hysterical. What's the point of being a spirit if you can't be a voyeur? Although family members shouldn't want to see some things. That's just creepy. Spirit or not.

Today after an excellent haircut from Romy, I wrote and had dinner with a friend... and didn't pack. I really should have packed. But I don't want to pack. I don't really want to go on this trip. Although I do want to see my cousin, Jeff and his family-- who I missed the last trip. He was kind enough to send me an email tonight to check in and make sure all was going as planned. He was kind enough to care. I'm a sucker for a caring male. Actually, I'm a sucker for an uncaring male. Probably more so. Working on that. Still. Working on that. My flight is supposed to leave at 8:50am tomorrow morning. I'm sure it will. But I won't be on it. Welcome back to standby, my friends. It's just. I've been gone so much. And I still have so much to do. I have two jobs to apply to tomorrow am -- which has been-- along with trying to find a man to actually find me rest of life worthy and vice versa, my full time job for the last five years. I feel like I should get a gold star for my efforts. Or at least a paper hat. Red. With sparkles. Which I would be more than happy to wear on a later flight. After I pick up the birth control pills that better be working. Because something is not happening which should be-- maybe it's on Japanese time or some other time or on some other planet that United flies to. At least it's not generic time. I solved that. But it would be immaculate conception anyway. I think. Kidding. I know. Let's just say, it's not possible that it could be anything other than lost.

When I was working at Downtown Disney this week -- yes, a hip mall in Anaheim, California-- which I have no idea how it actually connects to Disneyland-- I kept meeting 25 year-old girls with 5 and 6 year olds. The 25 year-olds that were just married said they felt behind. I didn't even go there. Which is rare for me. Not to go somewhere i shouldn't. This week, I'm going back to Virginia and the Pentagon and Georgetown-- back to my crazy boat friends who like to dance and a married political lawyer who liked to feel me up (which I didn't like so much)-- hence, me not seeing him. I think I'm going to be hotel room girl and get work done this trip, though. Until I hit Virginia Beach. Can even out my tan lines. Take a walk and prepare to see more normal members of my family. Proof that the gene pool is not entirely messed up. And in fact, may even show promise. I'll take promise any day.

And now, I'll take a little sleep. I have a big day ahead of me. And apparently, a very big year. Now how cool would that be if the 5 people reading my blog could say, that they read me back when?


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