get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I Look Funny Naked

And it's not entirely my fault. There is the jigsaw puzzle of a tan situation. And the tan lines. But the bikini wax-- well, I did not tell Anya to get that into it. I thought it would hurt a lot more if she was going to do so much. Apparently, I'm getting accustomed to pain. I only flinched once. And now? I'm kind of embarrassed to even think it's me. Or maybe I mean disturbed. And back to embarrassed. Because it was kind of a waste. Honolulu/Oahu/Waikiki is not the island to be worrying about things like bikini waxes or diets or frankly, much of anything having to do with your appearance. Yes, it's all about the l scenery there -- but when I say that, I mean ACTUAL scenery. Like oceans and sea life and greenery and all those postcard worthy views you read about. Not people. Like in LA. The most happening place we found to go out? It was in a mall. Yes. A mall. Can you imagine? But it did have good food and two happy hours and locals and cool music. So there you go. When in Honolulu...

Which translates to mean that Romy and I were VERY economical. And in at a decent time. (Again, a waste). There were a few military hotties who had to evacuate some other island. But they were there one minute in their camouflage gear and gone the next. Although they did wave...

Romy and got a chance to explore around my work schedule. Diamond Head and Hanauma Bay and the North Shore. We even found the base camp for "Lost". We both knew the hair and make up guy-- I had sent him stuff when I worked in fashion and beauty pr and Romy had worked with him a long time ago. They had wanted her to work on the show but 9 months in Honolulu for a single woman... well, I wouldn't have done it either. Every man we met that was white and not in the military? Was from Orange County. And the sad thing is, I called it every single time. Huntington Beach, Long Beach (not technically the OC but it may as well be...). Cute surfers... who came there to surf. So you get the picture. I can't even swim. But Romy can. She snorkeled.

Working at the Sephora there wasn't so bad. But it was the most exhausting training day I've ever had. Ten hours straight. Starting at 5am... I've never had so many people show up and show up so excited. It was a little too much popularity for me. And quite confusing. But they were super sweet. And shared local info. Without Carol, we would have never known where to go... three nights in a row. When in Rome... It's crazy how Prada stays open till 11pm there and there's no Victoria's Secret or Bath & Body Works... and that's a problem. The culture seems to exist for tourism. Which is mind boggling. Much like the differences in the economic brackets throughout the island.... and that there are so many versions of asian culture. So many hapas. Hey, I learned a word! And I relaxed. And ate sushi at a very authentic sushi place that was recommended by the guy who fixed our air conditioner and which oddly enough, still has a picture of Sylvester Stallone on the wall... wearing a pink suit...? (Although to be honest, he still might...) But the yellowtail was the best I've ever tasted. And the cab driver? The funniest.

The flight home even worked... in an entirely full plane I got the single seat without someone sitting next to me. And all because this very scared older woman who was reading and reciting the bible sat in my seat and me? After seeing her bible, I felt too bad to make her move for me and so I went and took her seat... so there you go. A little reward. Not bad for a week's work. Happy Hawaii to me. Tan lines and all.


Blogger John said...

Welcome back! Sounds like time well spent, except for the bikini wax.

Jigsaw puzzle tan lines sounds like the game to which you graduate after playing co-ed Twister while sloppy drunk.

7:32 PM  

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