get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Friday, September 15, 2006

There is an Upside or Catch 31

Yesterday I decided that a bad day had to have a good ending. Or a good view. Or at the very least, I should see Virginia Beach. Even though I knew nothing about it. I had no idea about the Neptune Festival where people build huge, elaborate sandcastles or the wine tasting weekend. The dolphins that you can see from the boardwalk in both the morning and the night. Or the rocking chairs you can sit in while watching a live band. And that you can sit at Catch 31, have a cocktail and nosh by the firepit, watch the sunset and dance on the boardwalk to the aforementioned live band... until the wee hours of morning.

Somehow, on a very unlucky day, I got lucky. I turned left. I parked in the wrong parking structure. And I saw the statue of King Neptune. I saw the band. And I sat down at the bar. Then I met Nacho. Who is really a white guy named Michael but he thought Nacho was funnier. Which it is. And Nacho is funny. And sweet. Super sweet. He gave me free wine. He said I was hot. Which was more enjoyable than the wine. He filled me in on the scene, the culture. And informed me that I somehow happened upon THE place to be in Virginia Beach on the beach. Which as catches work, was a good one.

As the sun began to set, I had some interesting convos with a bunch of different people and ended up hanging out with two lovely businessmen in suits who I conned into dancing with me. They didn't hit on me. They were fun. They told me I was fun. Which was... fun. It's good to have fun again. It's good to know that fun can make a difference in a day. For the better. That men can be men and be fun. And a white guy can be named Nacho for no reason whatsoever.


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