get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

My Meds Are Working.

Oh happy day. Or at least happy-er. Yesterday wasn't so pretty. Have you ever coughed so hard you've thrown up? Yeah, that probably pretty much falls in the category of things I shouldn't share. I didn't plan to, but it kind of surprised me that it happened. The upside? I now have clean floors. Luckily, the cough seems to have died down today. Although I will miss the ab workout, I don't like cleaning all that much.

I guess it's a good thing I got sick since I still haven't gotten paid and would have never been able to foot the bill for another trip's out of pocket expenses. I am getting a little bit tired of trying to figure out how to make it work all the time. Who to borrow from until I'm reimbursed, what bill to put off paying, what appointment to cancel, and just how many times I can be ignored when asking for my money. It's kind of a bummer to actually have money but not have it. I'm really ready to have it. Although Skunk dodged another bullet since I didn't have the cash.

I do know all of this is a lesson. I have had many lessons. Many, many lessons. I am ready for the lessons to be over, too. Or at least I'd like a little vacation from them... a spring break maybe. Who cares if it's spring or not? Or if I'm 38 years-old? I submitted my Modern Love piece today. Fingers and toes crossed. Actually, cross anything and everything in sight. I do have a good feeling about it. They say they respond in 2-4 weeks. One of my friends sold an essay today to Written By which is the Writer's Guild magazine. He sent it in on Tuesday and got a phone call from them today wanting to buy it. That's pretty cool. I'm happy for him. I'm starting in on my next essay night. Maybe it should be for Written By. How great would that be if I sold an essay to that magazine right after I got dumped by the Writer's Guild?


Blogger John said...

Gotta say... that would be a no on the hacking up a puke thing. Glad you're feeling better if not yet well.

The vomit I clean off my floors comes from the cat. And has she ever once volunteered to help clean it up? Actually, yes, she has but no one in my house has to lick their own vomit off the floor. There are no signs stating this anywhere so it's more of a guideline than a hard and fast rule but I discourage it nonetheless.

That leaves me the head vomit cleaner of the house.

The cat will quickly remind me that her stomach is empty, not putting the two and two together (she completely sucks at math) that it's the eating that leads to the puking. "Can't you wait until your tummy calms down, Annie?" "Meow!" She answers in her "feed me now!" tone of voice. But at only six pounds, she's the Karen Carpenter of cats so I have to feed her whenever she expresses an interest.

I'm sure that anectdote was most helpful to you.

12:44 PM  

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