get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

I'll Take My Bed. And Sleep in It.

And enjoy it. Last night I did. Even if I slept alone. Well, not alone. There was Skunk. She's become quite the lover. Not in that way. But she cuddles. Which is nice. And greets me when I come in the door. Then she jumps around all excited when I'm home. Talks. And stays in far more than she used to. I hope that doesn't all change after she gets fixed. I hate having to fix her. But it's not like I can have a heart to heart talk with her about sex and go from there. No. At the end of the day, she is a cat. Only a cat. And she's going to do the cat thing thing no matter what I say.

Okay, moving past the cat of it all. It was great to be home. Wake up at home. Even tired. I'd rather be tired at home than be tired somewhere else. When it happens somewhere else it feels all wrong. Like, what a waste. A waste of another place. Not to mention, when you're tired, who wants to have to think about stuff? Like what you want and what and need and just where you can get it. Under those circumstances, it's nice to not have to look for things or ask for directions to find them. And. There are the little things, too. Just to be able to open a window when you need air. Have a comforter that's soft. And make coffee in your own coffee maker. Hear your home phone ring. Even if it is a telemarketer. And have all the things that are old seem new again. Given that I've been home so little in the last few month, pretty much everything does. Everything is getting that new car smell. Keep in mind that I've never had a new car. And I washed mine for the first time in 2 months right before I left. Mainly because I haven't been here and it was sitting outside. Besides, that whole getting my car totaled after taking good care of it and getting nothing for it once it was gone? Well it kind of removed that whole impetus to preserve this one in just the same way. I know it's a shame. But it's the truth.

All that being said, I feel kind of like I'm in the home stretch. That this is happening for a reason. That there's an end in sight. Although I have no idea what it is. I have no more insurance than before. And more doors slam in my face every day. But what can you do? Get on another plane. Pay another bill. And hope it all leads somewhere. Next up is Florida. Then Portland, Oregon. And New Jersey... and New York. I can hardly wait. Oh, and out of pocket? I'm at $1500. And Little Will? He's now on my lap.


Blogger John said...

Don't fear having Skunk fixed. It will do her health and happiness a world of good.

And she will still love to cuddle.

6:52 AM  

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