get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

How Sick I Am.

I have a sinus infection. A very bad I'm-not-on-the-airplane-I'm-supposed-to-be-on-today one. A $130 doctor visit-$60 antibiotic-and-$10 parking fee one. Which makes the whole not being on an airplane for a trip which would have paid for the Sinus Infection Get Well Plan much easier. And rent. The trip would have also paid my rent. It's easier to get healthy when you have a place to sleep and live. This no insurance and freelance thing does blow. I like stability. I miss stability. Insurance. Things like that. Oddly, I'm not depressed though. Sometimes, the pain makes me want to cry. But that's different.

There was a potentially cry worthy issue this morning when I called the doctor needing an appointment and they didn't want to see me. The issue being that they stopped billing me for my allergy shots and I still owe them $400. Apparently they stopped billing me because I stopped going because the shots were costing $160 a month which I clearly don't have. So I was making payments until the invoices stopped coming. Then I stopped sending money because I'm so busy sending it to other people that I can't keep up with who I owe unless they invoice me. So they didn't want to let me see the doctor unless I paid for the visit ($130) and the balance ($400). The visit money, well that I have. The rest? Well that I don't. I explained to the receptionist that I called and cleared up the issue already with the woman who does the billing and was making payments. I didn't mention that I did it after I got a nasty note a few months back with the first invoice in so many months. The note kind of made me mad. I've been going to that doctor for something like twelve years. And the woman who does the billing has been there the whole time. We talk. Or at least we used to. Before she got mean. That whole being a have not really shifts the way people treat you, you know? Anyway, they finally gave me an appointment. But when I was leaving and paying? I had to go through the same damn wanting me to pay the balance thing. With the doctor standing right there. The same doctor who asked if I'm working and how my career is going and why I'm not getting allergy shots. To which I replied with the whole no insurance thing. He told me he pays $6,000 a month for his employees insurance. Maybe I should work for him.

Well, the z-pack is starting to work. Which makes me happy. I had to sleep sitting up last night just so I could breathe. It was like flying on the red eye just with no air and pain.

I kind of got sick out of nowhere. One minute, I was walking with Romy... well, for four hours, actually. Which makes it like 240 minutes, but you get the idea... I was well and then I wasn't. I don't think the sick thing had to do with the four hour walk. I think it's the galavanting about the U.S. and flying in packed airplanes and getting no rest and being the most allergic person in America. But a girl's gotta do what she's gotta do. I just worry it's not really helping. And maybe even hurting my intellect. I know it's hurting my ability to write. At least it's not hurting my ability to sleep.


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