You Don't Know How Bad You Have It Until You Have it Good
That might sound like a downer. But it's not. Really. It's more an observation. A lesson. That I learned as... I traveled to a different city. Switched hotels. Went out by myself for a drink... and a drink and another drink (all on different nights. Well, most on different nights). And worked at numerous Sephoras and BBWs (Bath & Body Works for those of you laymen) in a state you've never been in.
For one, leaving your life lets you see what your life really is. And what you've let it become.
It also lets you see that the possibilities are endless.
That you can move. And that geography is just that.
And that if you never go out with your single friends since all of you are over going out & if you never see your married friends because they're too busy, then you can talk to any of the aforementioned just as much or just as little in any city you decide to be in.
That you can actually meet people just being out of the house-- IF you let yourself.
Meeting or hanging out with a new man every night? Not so bad.
Dancing? Even better.
Doting men are nice-- if not confusing. Particularly when you don't even live in the city.
When they offer to let you stay with them for the rest of your trip-- even more confusing.
Men who dance are fun.
Dancing is fun.
Men who tries to accost you and then offer to buy you wine and massage you in your room at a ghetto motel? Well, I think you can guess the answer. Yes, even if it has been awhile.
But who wants to report a man who makes $9 an hour who doesn't seem to know any better?
Particularly not when you can switch hotels. Which I might not have done otherwise and thank God I did.
Room service. A beautiful thing.
Affordable room service? Even better.
Internet access? Mandatory.
Good sheets and pillows? Again, mandatory.
Getting bit in the middle of the night by only who knows what is slightly disconcerting.
Luckily, I have skincare products that make the bites hurt less.
Which was a big selling point for one product. So there you go.
Nice stores are... nice. Support? Nice.
Bed? Nicer. Me? I'm so there.
For one, leaving your life lets you see what your life really is. And what you've let it become.
It also lets you see that the possibilities are endless.
That you can move. And that geography is just that.
And that if you never go out with your single friends since all of you are over going out & if you never see your married friends because they're too busy, then you can talk to any of the aforementioned just as much or just as little in any city you decide to be in.
That you can actually meet people just being out of the house-- IF you let yourself.
Meeting or hanging out with a new man every night? Not so bad.
Dancing? Even better.
Doting men are nice-- if not confusing. Particularly when you don't even live in the city.
When they offer to let you stay with them for the rest of your trip-- even more confusing.
Men who dance are fun.
Dancing is fun.
Men who tries to accost you and then offer to buy you wine and massage you in your room at a ghetto motel? Well, I think you can guess the answer. Yes, even if it has been awhile.
But who wants to report a man who makes $9 an hour who doesn't seem to know any better?
Particularly not when you can switch hotels. Which I might not have done otherwise and thank God I did.
Room service. A beautiful thing.
Affordable room service? Even better.
Internet access? Mandatory.
Good sheets and pillows? Again, mandatory.
Getting bit in the middle of the night by only who knows what is slightly disconcerting.
Luckily, I have skincare products that make the bites hurt less.
Which was a big selling point for one product. So there you go.
Nice stores are... nice. Support? Nice.
Bed? Nicer. Me? I'm so there.
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