get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Friday, June 30, 2006

What I Like

This picture is of my friend, David Galan's hand. And arm. He makes purses. We were out and about the other night and he saw a woman carrying his purse. She said she's never gotten so many compliments on a purse. Which was cool. She asked him to sign it. Which was cooler yet. So I took a picture. I love it when those kind of things happen. In fact, I would love it even if I wasn't having the most expensive cocktail of my life-- $18! For sangria!! Actually, despite the most expensive cocktail. It was all because my friend Quentin was wearing shorts so we got turned away from the bar we wanted to go to so we ended up at the Four Seasons. (His friend manages the bar there. And. Quite honestly? Black men can wear shorts there. It's like a rapper's paradise). Quentin doesn't rap. But he does drink. Usually we have the hook up-- knowing the bar manager and all. There was no hook up that night. But Quentin treated me since the sangria was his idea. It was good. But come on. I could have 3 bottles of wine and a happy week of pain free living for the price of one glass of white sangria. Who cares if it came with one of those fancy little mint sprigs?

The allergies aren't so good this week. But it was a good week nonetheless. I saw a lot of friends. I had a few epiphanies. And got a few unexpected emails. I like that. It was one of those weeks-- actually, it's been one of those months-- that reminds me of the things that I like. So I thought I'd share.

I like...
friends who can relate to what you're going through and who have gotten through it or are trying to
impromptu get togethers
sharing a history with people in your life
people who are funny
feeling articulate
great stories
a new dress and a place to wear it
a nice dinner and being able to afford it
hearing "I love you"
talented writers
new words
thank you notes
feeling like I've learned something
insightful books... and articles... and essays
things that make you feel... in a good way
hearing that I matter to other people
being aware
sitting at bars and talking to random people
making new friends
good wine
stimulating conversation
hearing from an old friend
travel to places I've never been before
crazy adventures
the idea that my man is just around the corner
working with my sister
spending time with my niece and nephew
dinner parties
being out in the world and appreciating it
taking walks
unexpected compliments
seeing things in a different way
having things just work out
people who are generous without trying
men who are smart and sexy and don't seem to know it
a kiss that never ends
my animals when they're playing or sleeping or just being
my friend's successes & the chance to celebrate them
writing and having the head space and time in which to do it
having other people appreciate what I write
New York
being allergy-free
a good cup of coffee
a clean place
having someone clean my place
making a difference in someone's life
being held
jack 93.1
funny ads
photos with my friends & family
having health insurance
being missed
the Sunday Times


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