get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Stereo or No Stereo, I Still Have My Groove

So. My stereo is broken. Kind of a bummer. But I don't care. Many things in the abode could use some fixing. But I don't care. Clearly. This is a good sign. I have much to do. Much I want to do. Namely, plan my New York trip. See Kate. And other folk. I feel like I want to be out in the world. And New York does something for me. So do good friends. Good people.

On the way home from Beige, I saw a guy buying flowers tonight for the woman or man in his life (this is LA, after all). And I felt happy just seeing it. It made me oddly hopeful. I watch Skunk and Little Will play together like they're in love. And feel oddly hopeful. Like it's a gift. Their chemistry. And I feel like someone might just surprise me. Like there could be a date and flowers and a play date in my future. Maybe dinner. A nice dinner. At a restaurant. Not a mini-mall. (Yes, I have been taken out to dinner in a mini-mall. And by a musician in a famous band, no less. Well, that was less. I wanted more. Like table service).

I'm worried less about where I'm at. And feel like it just might be okay. I got a very kind email from an editor responding to one of my submissions. And although the piece wasn't right, he kept the door open. I like open doors.

I was thinking today about Ken the super sweet Las Vegas bartender who today was taking his 21 year-old daughter to a luau at Caesar's. Who told me he wanted to go to Italy, France and Hawaii for vacation some day-- in no particular order. He said I "was the woman." He kept quoting me to me. (Which was a treat for a writer who isn't writing-- just talking.) He told me that he's never seen anyone connect with people quite like I did the first night I was there. "Five hours," he said, shaking his head, "You spent five hours with people you just met." And I just smiled, thought-- he works in Vegas, shouldn't he see that alot? I mean, I do that alot. Just less lately. All my friends have that capacity. For conversation and play. And meeting perfect strangers. Today I went on a hike with Romy and had lunch with her and Kristine. Today was the first time they've ever met. And it was like they've known each other forever... with a little bit of catch up. I completely love that about my friends. They all get along with each other without effort or drama. And they can be together without me and not need to talk about me to have something in common.

I've done Paris with Romy and New York with Kristine. We all travel well together. We just go with the flow. And meet strangers. And have a good time. I'm having quite the happy fest. Did I mention the 26 year-olds? Well, let me just mention them again. Compliments are a wonderful thing. And that whole traveling and vacationing thing? Well, I'm thinking that's the wave of my future. I don't have much else to say tonight. I'm sure I will tomorrow. Like you were worried. Here's a concept: a moratorium on worrying. Did I mention I used to dance on bars? Well, I didn't when I was in Vegas, but it suddenly seems like a very fun thing to do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I see the flowers being bought or the sweet talks others have in random places..I cry inside.

9:41 PM  

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