get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Red Paper Clip Guy Had a Strategy

My friend Romy had read me that story in people magazine about Red Paper Clip guy... you know the guy who traded a red paper clip for something bigger and better? Well, if not. Here's the story. He basically traded a paper clip for a house through a series of barters during the course of a year. He was inspired by some childhood barter game called Bigger and Better and started by posting a message on offering his red paper clip for trade. After 14 trades -- gradually increasing in value from a fish-shaped pen to a small doorknob, a camping stove, a power generator, a snowmobile and a small-truck -- he ended up with a house in Saskatchewan, Canada. Me? I've never heard of the game. I clearly needed a more playful childhood. Because much as I thought would happen, he sold the movie rights. And after a series of screenwriters, it will someday make it to the screen. Perhaps if I could get my own strategy together, it could even be me.

The good news? My car is only $450. Which is a lot of red paper clips. I wonder what red paper clip does for a living? Or rather, did. Now he has funny money. Movie money. Well, after he gets paid. Which could be awhile, frankly. And then there's the agent or lawyer fees or both. And then just wait-- Red Paper Clip guy sell the house and move out to LA to be an actor. There's an end to the story. I do think he's clever.

So nightmares. Crazy nightmares. My allergies aren't so good so that might be part of it. Because if it's PMS again... can someone be in a state of perpetual PMS? Nah. I think that would qualify as an excuse for being a crazy person as opposed to actually being one. Although my optimistic-- I'll Get a Strategy thing? Well, I'm frankly at a loss right now. That better change, though. Because the job and trips I had booked? Well, they may not be there when I get back. And to be honest? I kind of wish I was back. Or could lie out on the beach and have a grand epiphany. I know, I know-- wishing is not a strategy either. Maybe I can something Oprah likes. Then everyone would want me. Now that may not be a strategy, but if you think about it, it's kind of funny.


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