get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

It's All Good. In Portland.

And still is. A day later. I started this last night. When I was home. In Los Angeles. Then I started watching Flight 93... yes, the night before I left on a flight bound for Portland. So not what I expected. But important nonetheless. Just because. How could it not be? I just wish it was more personal. That I really felt a connection to the people. They deserved a connection. That being said, I'm listening to Mat Kearney. Who I am in love with... musically. Brought his CD with me to play in my Ford Taurus rental car. Then checked into my Fairfield Inn... got back from dinner... and started to explore Portland via the web. And... it turns out he was playing here. TONIGHT. And. JUST 15 MINUTES AWAY!!! Janice dropped me off at 8:15. He went on at 8:00. I could die. He's playing in Eugene, Oregeon tomorrow (2 hours away) and the Roxy (in LA) on Tuesday. I'm thinking The Roxy is a bit more likely. So I'm gunning for that. Still. How cool would that have been to have seen him here? He's from here! it's less expensive here. I kind of like it here. And I'm coming back. Doing Portland again and Seattle in November. A 3 hour drive between the two. Did I mention Hottie McHot from Las Vegas lives here... Only problem...? I'd have to light a fire to find out just where. Yeah. That'll work. Well, more on my good day. Good yesterday. And all tomorrow. Now here's a flash back to pre-Flight 93. I'm off to bed... Enjoy.

I had no idea what to call today's entry. I'm in a good mood. Despite PMS. Despite waking up at 11pm and being up until 3:30am. Because I was writing in my head so I had to get up and write for real. And email. And do notes. And then have breakfast with a friend. Who things are going well for. And who really likes my script idea. And has offered to read whatever draft I'd like to give her. Which I'm going to try to do soon. I printed it out. 157 pages. And it's not all written. Or cut. Or formatted, etc. I also input all the notes that I wrote on the road. There were alot of them. It made me like the story again. And get excited about it. Which probably helps to make other people excited. At least I hope so.

Yesterday, I had an idea for a TV show which is SHOCK in the world of ex-convicts. Might as well put all that obsession to use, I figure? My friend at ABC said a producer had emailed her about the same article I read. She's reading it now and is going to get back to me. It's a rich area. I totally see the show. And I know I can write it. It'd be a dramedy. And it would be real. I talked to another friend of mine who also liked the idea. And wants to try and get involved somehow and help somehow and another friend had all this background info on the place I want to write about. I would be the happiest woman in America if could make this work somehow. I can almost taste the health benefits. Well, not really. I guess no one tastes those. But I'm a bit punchy from lack of sleep, so what can you do?

You know, reality would work, too. I would do it as reality. j

Tomorrow I go to Portland. I see my friend Janice and her two kids. And her husband. We went to UCLA together. Same sorority. She's the coolest. I can't wait to see her. She moved to Portland a few years ago for her husband's job. Which is a pretty big deal. To move away from your family right after you have a baby. With another one on the way. When you know no one who lives in the place you're moving. I mean, I did it when I was younger. But I was single. And I'm me. Janice has a close family. If not geographically, then at least in every other way. I never really see my family. So I'm not sure they would even know if I moved to Portland. Her family has noticed. So has she. I've never been to Portland. I'm curious. People seem to like it. Usually a positive sign. I see Janice, do two trainings and then I'm back. This is a short trip. Afterwards, I'm home for two days, then off on another crazy adventure. I've got to say, other than the whole work aspect, they're kind of growing on me. Even the catastrophes. I think I get sucked in by the stories. And by seeing things I've never seen before. At least when I'm out of town, I don't feel like my life is standing still. And now when it does, I have the motivation to get it moving again.

So where am I off to after Portland? I know you're wondering. First, it's Danbury, Connecticut. Then Philadelphia, for Cousins Part III and work, too. Of course. And finally, to Pittsburgh. So I have to put that skincare hat back on. Which I'm okay with. Although I was enjoying writing. Even if I was sick and PMSing for part of this little hiatus. There were uplifting things. Hope. And progress. Nothing beats progress. Except maybe sleep. Time to sleep.


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