get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

So Close to Feeling the Love or What a Difference a Response Makes

So I got a nice rejection email last week from "Self" Magazine. From this incredibly nice editor who told me that they all liked my essay-- I Blog Therefore I'm Not Alone-- and it was close, but ultimately they passed. She told me to send more stuff over and to pitch more. Which is good. And I know it's good that she responded. Really. Close is closer. To feeling the love.

And then I got another email from an editor at another publication-- which shall remain nameless so as not to jinx it-- yes, I'm covering all my bases including the jinxing ones-- who said if I can cut my essay (a different one) by 300 words, they'd buy it. Which would mean publishing it. Which would make me a paid writer again. That would actually be feeling the love. I haven't felt the love in a very long time.

So I spent Saturday cutting. I got help from my friend Cheryl who read and crossed out and mailed me her copy. And Kelly who read draft after draft helping me find words I didn't need. A writer and a reader who were invaluable to me. And I'm so thankful for them because it made it so much easer to fix and finesse until I felt the love for my shortened piece. This morning, I sent it off. Fingers crossed.

It's amazing what a difference a response makes. Just hearing back. Encouragement and all. It's well, encouraging. Last week I got a lot of it. Encouragement from a friend and development exec on my screenplay who made me realize it's a story worth telling--and from various other people. I feel like I'm kind of on the right track here. What with my strange little schedule of writing and reading and working on the t-shirt stuff and selling Boscia to the world. It's enough to make me want to be out in the world. And I have been. And lately, I've found I'm liking it much more out there. And in here. Little Will and Skunk are playing and sleeping together. My sister, her husband, kids and my father and I had dinner together. And it was a good week all around.


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