get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Let This One Go or How Lucky Can I Get

Today I woke up at 7:19am. Which was late for me. And too late when I had to move my car from a tow zone before 7:00am. See, Highland? She would NEVER let me sleep past 6:30am. It was always meow meow meow aka rise and shine. Water for her, coffee for me and food for us both. Well, Little Will isn't insistent like her. He cuddles. So I cuddle back. Thank God he cuddled at all. The cuddling made me put on my glasses and look at the clock and jump out of bed and run like mad to my car where a tow truck was attached and a policeman and tow truck driver were standing by. Me? Wearing a not so lovely see through tank top and cropped sweats, glasses and no make-up -- scaring them and the Hasidic Jewish man I raced by with my breathless shouts of, "please don't tow me." The policeman? Well, he said to the tow truck driver, "Should we let this one go?" The tow truck driver just looked at him. The policeman said, "We can probably get a few for you up on Normandy." The tow truck driver looked at me and my crooked glasses and what little breasts I have and said, "Let's go to Normandy." I just thanked them profusely. Oh, so profusely. Got in my car, parked it and thought, "How lucky can I get?"

Then I came in the house and saw Little Will's new girlfriend. Well, the girlfriend I picked for him. It's like internet dating but for cats. She's black and white and precious. Her name is "Skunk." She's a Pisces. I thought they'd get a long. Different sex, sexually immature. And playful. This is her picture. Next to Little. He looks so big next to her. The funny thing is, they're both kittens. And they seem to be getting the hang of hanging out pretty well. So oh, happy day. I think Will is happy because shortly after the towing incident this morning, he brought in a baby bird. He's never done that. So either, he thinks he's the man of the house now and needs to feed us or he's giving us a gift and saying "thank you." The good news? The bird lived. And flew away. And we thanked Will profusely. Then he and Skunk both decided to rest. Next to each other. Which I thought was adorable and made me sad at the same time about Highland. They did that, too. And I was lucky to have her. So lucky.

I am lucky for alot. Yesterday my dad helped me with a lot of the legal shit for my company. I've been working on the business plan and have been overwhelmed with licensing agreements and stuff and terms and contracts... And lawyers aren't cheap. And I owe mine money. But my dad? He's a damn good lawyer. Worked for Mobile Oil and Toyota. And he explained everything to me and in a way I understood. And helped me to focus. And it was a beautiful and weird thing for me. And I told him that he didn't have to. That our relationship isn't predicated on what he can do for me. But he seemed to enjoy it. And it was fun to hang out with him. And then when I got home? I got a residual check. For $234.76. Okay, so it won't buy me new glasses, but it will buy me groceries and buy me time. And I was ecstatic. Because the business plan writing makes the regular writing have to go on the back burner. And I want to do the regular writing. But one thing at a time, right?

So mom? Not impressed by the small residual check and not so happy that I'm talking to Dad. The whole forgiveness thing? Well, 30 years later, it hasn't happened. She doesn't care if he's changed. Because she hasn't. Argh. I'll admit, I did kind of like that idea of my two parents sitting down to dinner with me. I don't think that's going to happen. No matter how much my mom says she wants me to happy. She's still angry. Still hasn't let go. And doesn't want us to have our father in our lives. Even though she married the man. She procreated with him. I told her that and also mentioned that forgiveness is different than forgetting. But that healing is something we all need to do. She didn't buy it for a minute. She wouldn't let this one go. So she's said some not so nice things to me. And not so nice things to my sister. She's on the attack. Which is too bad. One of my friends lost her father yesterday. And he was a wonderful father. And I feel for her. Because she recognized it. And she was a good daughter to him. Her life will never be the same but it will be so much better because he was ever in it at all. Because at the end of the day, everyone should have good fathers and mothers. If only for a time. If only.


Blogger John said...

What little breasts I have

Trust me on this: There has yet to be a breast so small that it wasn't fun to look at through a translucent top.

And, crooked glasses or no, unless you are a magician with either your makeup or with Photoshop, your face is not going to scare anyone away.

Maybe your relationship with your father is not predicated on what he can do for you but it probably makes him feel good that he can at least do something for you now since he can not go back in time to be the father you needed him to be when you were growing up.

5:32 PM  

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