get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Things I Learned This Week

1. It's easier to find a girlfriend for a cat than it is to find a boyfriend for a girl.

2. Three year-olds and six year-olds are fun. And they relate to me.

3. I like that about three year-olds and six year-olds.

4. Little Will has a friend that is a possum. And a friend that's a female neighbor.

5. Baths are more fun with bubbles.

6. Baths are even more fun with someone else.

7. Being minimized is not so fun.

8. Having to tell people not to minimize you is even less fun.

9. I like to be out in the world.

10 . I like it better when I'm out in the world with men. Whether I know them or not.

11. I have lots of good girlfriends.

12. It's strange to suddenly have a dad when you've only ever had a father.

13. It's even stranger when you relate to your father and like it. After twenty years of not seeing or talking to him.

14. Families are exhausting.

15. My family is particularly exhausting. Particularly now.

16. I would love to have my mother and father sit down and have dinner with me.

17. My two parents have never sat down at the same table and had dinner with me. Really. Not since I was four years old.

18. Writing business plans suck.

19. To forgive isn't hard. But to talk about what needs forgiving is.

20. Writing is wonderful.

20. There are alot of gorgeous men out in the world.

21. Gorgeous isn't always enough.

22. Going to dinner is a beautiful thing.

23. Being taken to dinner is a gift.

24. Allergies suck.

25. When people ask me if I have children I've decided that's a compliment. Because they see me having what I want.

26. It would be nice to have what I want.

27. It would also be nice to have compliments.

28. Some relationships come to an end.

29. And that's sometimes a good thing.

30. This week is important. Fingers crossed.


Blogger John said...

Three cheers for two people in one bathtub.

I'm not sure there's a heaven but if there is I'm sure it feels a lot like that.

6:42 PM  

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