get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Highland Was Hit by a Car

Last night my cat Highland was hit by a car. The person who hit her didn't stop, but another woman did. She picked Highland up out of the street and carried her to the bushes. She said Highland was bleeding from her mouth and she couldn't walk. She called and left a message on my voicemail, but I wasn't home. It was 11:45pm. I'm always home. But last night Romy and I were drinking wine at her place and I didn't want to drive. So I spent the night at her house. I never do that. It breaks my heart. Poor Highland. A car hitting her is what brought her to me and it's also what took her away from me. It doesn't make sense that she'd be out in the street since she was scared of cars. I don't know what she was doing.

This picture is of her on my shoes. She loved shoes. I guess she liked the smell of feet. I always thought it was weird. But what can you do? She loved catnip and shoes. I'm going to miss how she drank water out of the bathroom faucet. And woke me up every morning by meowing. I'll never forgot what a fighter she was. How I brought her into the writer's room when I wrote for the show in a diaper since she couldn't move because her pelvis needed to heal so she could walk again. She was so scared of people for so long and would run and hide from them. Then I let her go out and it changed her whole personality. It made her happy. And not scared of people anymore. She loved to play in the bushes and jump around. Once she brought a bird into my bed and killed it on top of me. Not pleasant. I scolded her but I know that it was a gift. Then she killed another one and brought it inside to me. That time I didn't scold her. I was afraid she'd keep doing it. I put a bell on her so the birds could hear her coming. Until I got Little Will because when he heard the bell, he'd chase her. It drove her crazy.

This morning, I ran out to the bushes as soon as I heard the message. I thought maybe she'd still be alive. But she wasn't. I went and got a box and brought her body into the house before I took her to get cremated. Little Will was crying, trying to get to her. I had shut her in the bathroom. We let him see her, so he'd know that she was gone. And not coming back. He's going to be devastated without his playmate. They cleaned each other all the time. They chased each other and slept together. Little Will ate her food so I always had to feed her separately. This morning when I fed him I put some aside for her. It's still sitting up there. It's surreal. I'm going to miss her. So. Much.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm sorry for your loss, but I do rescue and this is exactly why we don't place cats in homes where they will be allowed to wander outside. indoor cats live to be 20 on average, outdoor cats, 2 if they're lucky...

5:31 PM  
Blogger jodypwrites said...

I appreciate your comment. Rescue is an admirable thing to do. But we all make different choices about how to take care of pets and raise children. I loved Highland. I saved her. She saved me, too. Every day. And she was happy. I know she was. I don't believe anything should exist purely for me. I think animals should have the ability to play and see the outdoors. To be animals. And have animal friends. To have lives. I would give anything to have her back. But I don't regret letting her out. I just regret that she was hit and that she hurt and that I wasn't there for her, to comfort her and let her know that I loved her as she passed.

8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jody ,I loved Highland too she was a wonderful cat and she knows how much you loved her.Once again I'm deeply sorry my prayers are with you.
Love you

8:28 PM  
Blogger John said...

My little pretty kitty is a tortoise shell too. She always stays inside, though. Cats are much more prone to disease and injury outside and since my Annie weighs less than seven pounds, she would not fare well in a fight with another cat. Or with a car.

Sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how sad I will feel when Annie goes to sleep for the last time.

4:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

David and I were so shocked when we heard the sad news.I burst in to cry as soon as I opened your email. I can not imagine what you are going through right now.

We were actually talking about Highland last week, because for some reason we haven't seen her for a while.
She was precious, soft and cute...she is going to be missed.

10:44 AM  

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