get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


The whole reason I'm doing this at all is because Brian said I should have a picture up. One that's permanent so people can see me. Come on, do people really want to see me? Well, John said it helped with the whole rooting for me thing. So, there you go. See, I listen to Johns and Brians. I'm increasing the name range. I couldn't decide of the two semi-decent ones I had which one to use. But I figured it's about the writing anyway, right? I hope.

I have hardly any pictures of me lately. These are the best I could do for now. I'm not in love with either of them. The one on the right is of me at a wedding. The angelic one is me being silly before we went out. Yes, we have photo shoots every time we go out, being it's so rare we're seen in public. We need to memorialize the occasions. I'm kidding. About the photo shoots at least.

I'm not jumping for joy about the whole watch and ring in the picture. But what can you do? I'm not sure when they were taken-- in the last year-- or years-- more than one but less than three? Since I don't own a watch any more. But Kelly said they look like me now. So. I'm not sure if it matters. It's not like you're all looking to date me. Still. I was going to get a haircut tonight. And Romy and I were going to take pictures. Of her for match and me for this. I would rather pull out my eyelashes than put these on match. And pull out my eyelids than go on match. But I digress. The picture-taking-haircutting-party got canceled because I wrote all day and got tired. Very tired. I gotta tell you, it was a wonderful reason for being tired. I feel like I'm in some crazy time warp. Yoga and writing. It was the perfect day five years ago and the perfect day today. Still, I just wasn't up for posing. And trying to seem somewhat cute or whatever I'm supposed to be on a blog. Young probably. But that ship has already sailed.

Kelly says the picture is too small -- the angelic one. But I think the smaller the better. Who wants to look at my pores? In any event, be kind. If you have opinions on me and my pores and my lines and my less than stellar make-up choices, be kind.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

we look similar,,,,,,so you must be very beautiful.

7:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:57 PM  
Blogger John said...

Yeah! If I was a man I'd...

Oh, wait.

Let's just say that when someone aims a smile like that in my particular direction I feel like I must have done something pretty great to deserve it.

Wow, indeed.

7:17 PM  
Blogger jodypwrites said...

God bless you. Thank you. Did I say God bless you?

8:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I like that john,He's nice to my friend.

8:27 PM  

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