get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Little Will is Bored of Me.

So. I'm still in mourning. Upset about Highland. Missing her. Missing our routine. Feeling oh so sad that I wasn't there for her. And now, that she's not with me. Little Will, on the other hand? He's moved on. And not just from her, but from me.
Sure, he comes in to be fed (I tried to block his way to the outdoors, to keep him inside, but he pushed the litterbox to get out-- how is a mystery-- apparently all boys, cats included, can do anything or get out of anything if they want it bad enough). He also lays on top of me at night. But then he's gone again-- into the great unknown. I tried playing with different balls, ribbons, string, pieces of paper and various other objects to entertain him. But he lost interest after awhile and out he went. Ostensibly to visit some other female cat. Or just play in the courtyard.

I was going to wait to get him a friend, but I think if I want to keep his interest. To keep him at home, he needs a new girl in the house. One like Highland, who he can play with, chase, roll around with and sleep with. He needs a replacement part.

Yesterday, I was talking to a girl I know (she's definitely more girl than woman) about how men can move on so easily. (Yes, even cats, apparently). About how they find replacements for women practically overnight. It's as if the former woman never existed. Some book I read at some point said something to the effect of that it's how men are able to function. And that we women perceive it all wrong-- we operate and look at it on an emotional level -- as a personal affront-- as if the first woman didn't matter. When really, it has nothing to do with that. But with filling a void. And functioning.

So I guess, whether I'm ready or not, I need to be for Little. I want him to be happy. Who cares if he's in denial? He's a cat.


Blogger In The Loop Around the World said...


I am very sorry to hear about Highland. I know he was your longtime buddy.

- Kate

5:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kate:

Sorry to correct you but Highland was a girl and an adorable one at that.

6:09 PM  

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