get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Things That Make Me Go Hmmm.

I can't figure out why I'm so tired. I came home last night, sent emails, watched TV and went to bed. That's it. All I did. So I thought for certain I could get up this am and go for a walk or work out. But I can barely move. So much for adapting to the time difference. And getting in shape. I don't want to even leave the hotel room. But then again, I do want a Starbuck's. And some form of food. I missed their little breakfast display downstairs. Even though it's not called a display, I'm so tired that I can't even remember the word for it. Bad sign. What is it? My brain is not working. At all. I think I need my Claritin D and Mucinex D. But I have no idea where a pharmacy is. This is when I wish I was already in NYC or at the Hotel Max or Hotel Lucia. Places where you can get things you want without much effort. This is not one of those hotels where they have things that their guests may need. And this is why I'm also a city girl. If you have to get things yourself, you want it to be easy. If I had someone else doing it for me, that would be a whole different ball of wax. God, this not being able to think thing is bad. I used the expression, "different ball of wax." Who talks like that?

Anyway, training someone while you're training 21 other people-- four times in a row? Well, 7 people two times in a row and then 2 people and then 5. Actually. If you want to get accurate about it. Alot of work. My mouth hurt. All that talking. I got low blood sugar since I didn't eat all day. Until 5:30pm. When we were done. And the girl I'm training? She kind of is a girl. Really. She has that deer in the headlights syndrome. In other words, she's not driving us on Sunday. Anywhere. Not even across the street. Nope. Because that's what she tried to do today and it didn't work so well. She doesn't stop at stops. And panics if she misses a turn. Makes a left turn from the right lane, etc. I hope she can do this job. She's not much for winging it. She's used to an office job. Going to the same place and doing the same thing. She's never worked in skincare, doesn't know a thing about it and isn't so much a people person. Even if she did used to work in customer service. Exactly. You wonder why those people in customer service don't get it? They're not people people. I just realized I didn't see her smile once the whole day. Frightening. Thankfully, I'm tired. So my reactions are slower-- meaning I would usually be somewhat appalled or irritated by her driving and putting my life in jeopardy. And the fact she needs her hand held through every single thing. She said she's uncomfortable in places she's never been. But she wants to travel. I may not be the logic police, but something doesn't compute. I'm thinking she wouldn't have been too happy doing my job for the last five months. I just hope she's happy doing hers after this weekend. I guess we'll see. Wish me luck. Energy. And perhaps a persistent cough to do for my abs what I don't have the energy to do for them this morning.


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