get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Day and Night Before Ten... Count 'Em... Ten Days Away.

I liked today. Even though I ruined my toes after I got a pedicure. I always ruin my toes. I have no patience. Even though this time I kind of did. I just had all of my shoes-- seriously... 4 pairs of shoes-- getting fixed and I had to try them on and forgot about the pedicure of it all. Because I'm a busy girl. So I ruined my toes. Which I didn't notice until I was trying on a turtleneck. Which seems like a wise thing to pack when heading into rain and cold. Luckily, now I bring my own polish. So I can fix the mess on my toes all by myself. Yes, I break things. But I also fix them. So I'm not high maintenance. Just maintenance.

Today was supposed to be take your storage space to lunch day. But no. Didn't happen. I was just way too overwhelmed. Too much to do. Too little time. So I bowed out. I figure by the time I'm ready? My storage space may have another suitor. And that may have to be okay. Because according to mom? There are too many lonely storage spaces out there anyway. So perhaps I can give a warm fuzzy feeling to a whole different storage space.

I'm excited to be heading out to NYC. To the east coast. Not so excited to pack though. I hate to pack. So I'm not going to-- until like 5am. I did outfits. Which made me kind of happy. Until my new boots broke. Which was weird. But these boots are weird. I already had to take them back once. Now? Twice. Argh. These are not the Barney's boots. These were my Christmas present from my mom. I know. It's November. But she does that. That's why we're always bored on Christmas. There's nothing left to open.

Okay. Am tired. Must sleep. And prepare for 10 days away. Did I mention that my direct deposit was actually deposited TODAY? Early? In my account? Without having to ask a friend to rifle through my mail and then deposit it? And that I was therefore able to buy cat food and pick up my drycleaning and shoes before I left? This is why I love the simple things. Because they are simple when they happen and oh so complicated when they don't.


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