get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Monday, November 13, 2006

I Smile on the Subway.

And the street. Basically, anywhere I am in New York. And basically everyone can tell I don't live here by that simple fact alone. Still, it's not stopping me. I love New York. And wish that I was here now. I mean living here now. I am physically here. But I have to leave on Wednesday. Eye on prize. Eye on prize.

To get here, I took the Amtrak. It was so much better than the plane. You get your own red cap. You can talk on the phone. You don't have to go through security. You can watch your own bags. Instead of having to wait for them. You can see the outdoors. And you can arrive at Penn Station and wait for your very nice friend to come meet you at an odd little bar called Kabooz's (or some version of that name). Which we of course didn't stay at. No, we took a cab back to Kate's and then did the mini-primp and headed out to her friend Eric's. Where we had a healthy dose of conversation and wine and wine and more wine. Oh, and food. That was good, too. For some reason I'm ravenous all of a sudden. And losing weight. Weird.
We watched funny videos. Loved the Odd Todd one on his website. Kate met him. Odd Todd. She turned me on to him. So I can't take credit. I love what he said about unemployment. Very true. And oddly important. So I would like to spread the Odd Todd word. You will laugh. You will cry. You will hope you always have a job.

Any way, the woman I trained today was lovely. Truly. I like that word. I over use it about as much as good. It's like find a new adjective already. This is why I need to get back to writing and reading and brain building. Although I do do the crosswords in every inflight magazine which is supposed to help offset the onset of Alzheimer's, it's not doing so much for the daily thinking situation. Oh, that word I forgot back in Philadelphia? Buffet. Yeah, the allergy situation is bad. What to do?

Currently, I'm stalking my friend Kristine. We're all supposed to have our girl's night out. But she's not answering her phone. Harumph. Excited to go out. Tomorrow night I see Gavin from the Four Seasons. Who I met with Diane a year ago. I'm excited. Last trip he had to go to China. He sent me text that he just got back after 15.5 hours. Brutal. I guess I should not complain. So I won't. Tonight I will have fun with Kristine and Kate and smile freely.


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