get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Two Mothers. A 71st Birthday and a Wedding.

Yesterday was my mother's 71st birthday. So Happy Birthday to her. Even if there was drama with Dad that my sister and I had to contend with-- it turned out being a lovely day. (Mom and dad still haven't seen each other -- so it's been 20 years-- and what with the drama of the past, my sister asked my dad not to come to her son's softball game since my mother was coming and it was her birthday and she wanted to prevent any potential drama in front of her kids-- well, dad didn't care-- and got upset. He thought I would be on his side (sides are big in my family). But I asked him not to come just this once and to respect my sister's wishes to shield her children from unpleasant family &$(% - Dad? Well, he screamed, and continue to scream and there was some stuff about my sister's wedding and him not being invited because of my mother and his daughter from the other marriage not being invited to my sister's baby shower-- for which I had no sympathy because I know that it's bigger than that-- and he said he'd been bending over backwards since he started talking to me again-- and I told him well, he had 20 years to rest and then he continued to scream and so I hung up on him-- and it was just like a real family. Almost) So dad showed up anyway. Despite the hanging up and the request. I think my mother saw him. And he saw her but they didn't speak or acknowledge seeing each other. And I hung out with my 71 year old mother who was happy as a clam to be celebrating her birthday. while watching her grandson, my nephew play softball while my niece fell asleep on my lap. Then, we had lunch. I ate tacos. And drove home so I could make it in time to Romy's mom's wedding.

Yes, last night, Romy's mother got married. In a house in the hills without air conditioning but with valet parking. Only in LA, right? I thought Romy was going to pass out from the heat. There were no screens on the windows, so gnats kept flying in. They got all over the wedding cake. And the food? Tacos. They had all you can eat tacos. At a Jewish wedding. Only in LA. I can't remember the last time I ate so many tacos. I'm not really a taco girl. What can you do?

The ceremony was lovely. I cried. More than Romy I think. The groom's kids all stayed downstairs. The bride's friends and family mingled. The groom's kids were pouting. Harumph to them. I tried to mingle with the pouters but they wouldn't have it. What can you do?

Anyway, off I go for now. Consider this the short, sweet version. Until I have time to expand. And the temperature drops. For now, I'm off in quest of air conditioning.


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