get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Here Today. And Loving It.

So I clearly could not live on nothing despite the fact it seems like I have for close to forever. And I couldn't keep borrowing funds. Or write as quickly as I would like. And that's where Boscia comes in. And Denver. And Kansas. See, when new stores open in new territories, the staffs (or "cast members" in Sephora-speak) have to be trained in all of the different brands that are there. The hope is that they then identify and adore the brands and sell, sell, sell with total knowledge of what they're selling and what it does for their clients. Ain't the beauty industry a hoot? Well, Kansas was a bit more hoot-worthy than Denver. The store director at Sephora in Kansas is hysterical. Still, there's no place like home.

As luck would have it, the minute I landed in LA, I checked my messages- not like I'm getting inundated or anything, but you never do know. And lo and behold, I had a call requesting that I come in for an interview to work on a new show on ABC that's set in the fashion and beauty world- on a magazine, no less. A world which my odd variety of experience actually comes in handy for-- yes, it's true. I could be of some value. So I met at 9:15 this morning in Burbank at the lovely Walt Disney Studios. There were six of us meeting for one coveted slot. As a writer's assistant. As well as my unusual variety of skills, I also had the distinction of being the oldest one there. By a good ten years. I'm hoping that's of some value for a change. I mean the showrunner worked on The Bionic Woman-- I grew up on that show. There was nothing better than watching Lindsay Wagner rip up the phone book to get her students to behave. And I'm also kind of partial to the Six Million Dollar man & Bionic Woman episodes. The ones that proved there is someone for everyone whether you're part machine or not. It does a heart good.

So I'm not certain if I was as articulate as I would like to have been. Or entertaining. Still I have a good feeling. An odd & good feeling. Maybe that was what's odd-- it's good. I'm sure they want the person to start on Monday. I would like to be that person. I will be that person. I would like to get a script again. I am going to get a script again. I could get my WGA benefits going again. I will get my WGA benefits going again. And get my writing career back to the place where I can actually call it a writing career. How's that for positive thinking? Did you get that's what I was doing?

Anyway, I made the gutsy and bold move of calling my old boss and asking him to make a call. One of those showrunner to showrunner calls. He asked if they knew my level of experience -- that I'd written before, etc-- and I said they had my resume. And I was honest with them. I said my career bit the dust. There comes a certain point in time that dancing around something-- something that took five years-- just seems silly. He said, "Okay." And he made the call. I told him I loved him so much. Yes, I did. I also cried when the assistant told me that my friend Suzanne gave them my resume and said wonderful things about me. I told her I usually save crying for my dates, but what can you do. That being said, I'm happy to be home. Happy to have people helping me. And even happier to believe that it might all just work out.


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