get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Still Sleepless in Seattle.

I only slept for a few hours and then I woke up. I'm not sure if it's the bed. Or the time change. I mean, the bed in this hotel is ridiculously comfortable. It's almost criminal. You just want to lay here and enjoy it. Which you ostensibly have to be awake to do. I do really like this room. It has everything I need and even a few things I don't. On top of that, it's cozy. I feel kind of like it's a little cocoon protecting me from the ridiculously cold weather out there. Yes, right now Seattle is colder than New York. And I wasn't really ready for it. Not even remotely. It made exploring not half as much fun as I thought it would be. I walked around the shopping district in my workout clothes. Not shopping, but window shopping and shivering. Maybe I would have noticed the cold less if there were more boutiques and less of the standard chain stores that you see all across America. Probably. Interesting things are a good distraction from freezing cold. You can ask the homeless people. Seattle has a lot of them. They don't really mention that when they say it's a nice place to live.

I was thinking maybe the sleeplessness might also have something to do with my allergies going crazy. I'm all stuffy and sneezy here. Which is kind of annoying. Maybe they have too much green. And not enough pollution. And then there's the fact that my mind is racing because I have so much I have to do at home in LA. The stuff I have to prepare for my move. And there's a lot. I have to go get boxes. Call Husband for Hire and get him to take down the chandeliers. Give stuff away. Sell stuff. Get more boxes. Select my storage space. Forward my mail. Change my address. Which I actually do want to do. I'm so ready to leave that place already. To move my life into a completely different direction. Still. I do have to admit that there's a part of me that doesn't really see myself moving home in two weeks. To my mom's. No matter how thankful I am. I had a hard enough time picturing myself living there when I was growing up. But it will be fine. A means to an end. I think. I hope. I think. I pray. I would have rather moved in with a man. But I'm not. So time to get over it.

I'm also thinking not being able to sleep might also have something to do with being gone for so long. Instead of counting sheep, I've been counting days away from home. And I've determined that 7 days away is plenty for work. Particularly for a job you don't want to be doing any more. This 10 day plan is a bit much. I start to feel disconnected from my life. And now? I actually don't want to be. I actually want to go get my stuff done so that I can get on with it already. With the reinvention of me. And writing. I really miss the writing. I have lots of things i want to write.

Today I did a pretty good training. Even though I don't want to be doing them anymore, I do still try. Unfortunately, it's in my genetic makeup. I can never take advantage. Which is kind of a shame. Anyway. During one of the trainings, a kind of strange thing happened. One of the girls asked me where I live and I told her LA. Then she said quite randomly, "You should live in Cypress." I said, "Cypress, where?" Thinking she couldn't possibly mean Cypress, CA -- which is where I grew up and where I will be living with my mom in just two short weeks. But sure enough, she said, "Cypress, CA. In Orange County." It turns out that she went to my elementary school, junior high and high school. That she even lived in the same townhouses that we did. In the garage section. We lived in the carport section. (That - by the way- is the reason that having stuff is kind of an issue. My mom's place has nowhere to store anything). And the strangest thing of all? When this girl and her mother's financial problems got bad and they thought they might have to move into Casa Grande -- which is where we lived until I was in junior high -- they decided to move to Seattle. Casa Grande was pretty bad. Unless you like roaches. This girl is 22 years-old. Never been on an airplane. And she hasn't seen her dad in 7 years. But she thinks he's a good dad. He hasn't flown to Seattle to see her either. He- like my father- lives in Huntington Beach. Kind of eerie, don't you think?

I can't believe it's after 5am and I still haven't really slept. I guess I could have gone out with this random guy at the bar who invited me along to explore Seattle. But I kind of feel out of that mode. Now that I have a goal and things to do, a plan, if you will. And besides, the guy was kind of creepy.


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