get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Freedom aka A Look at My Week

Monday was my first day off. My first Monday in oh so long to do what I wanted to do. The first thing I did was move my car so I wouldn't get a ticket during street cleaning. Okay, not the most exciting start-- but then... I drove to Runyan Canyon and went on a hike. Which was wonderful. Although a bit cold. But still, wonderful. And then. I came home and got warm. Did I mention I was home? Once warm, I washed the bookcase Diane gave me on Sunday (Diane would be a fringe benefit aka a very good friend who came out of the very bad if not horrifying publicity job-- that's me finding the good in the bad, by the way-- although the word "horrifying" might have misled you). My office aka former dining room which has never been dined in well-- other than my birthday parties a few years back-- and a New Year's Eve party a few years back--- and my old roommate's dinner party a year or so back--- you get the idea-- a better office, it makes. But it needed an overhaul. I have too many books and not enough space. Many pretty pieces of furniture that have no function whatsoever. Unless you know how to use a victrola or a sewing machine that you have to pump with your foot. I don't even know how to use one that does it all for you.

Luckily, Kelly came home to help. And basically, would not let me stop until it was all done. And I was tired about half way through. But. No. So we moved every piece of furniture somewhere different. I filed a bunch of stories and writing and bills and correspondence. And are you bored? Because it kind of bores me. But I did it. And now? My office is a cozy, open and organized space all ready to be used to write all that I need to and want to write. And I'm kind of excited. And only a little anxious. Because I would rather be excited. That's a new emotion for me.

I got an email from the licensing agent who I wanted to work with for my t-shirts (and Kelly's and Romy's and my mom's and sister's... because they're believers!). And he wants to work with me. He can work with me. And having a conversation with him was kind of like having a conversation with myself only with a lot more knowledge and a job and well, the ability to help make my idea come to fruition a little bit better than me. So basically the conversation with myself thing was kind of wrong except for the fact he liked what I was doing.

Oh, and I forgot about one of my best friends (I could never forget about her on purpose, Kristine). She wants to be involved. Integrally involved. I love that.

Bad allergies. But I hiked. And wrote. And wrote and wrote. Which is good. Because on Sunday, I read! It's the last ex-convict piece. There are only three. If you don't count the last one which was just embarrassing and too revealing and was the reason I left class. And it was boring. And it's hard to make him boring. So clearly, there was something going on there. But there were two good paragraphs at least. Out of 18 pages. I probably shouldn't admit that, huh?

I got bad financial news BUT then I remembered I have my t-shirts. And I started doing more research. And I bought a book on this man's work that is a huge part of the t-shirts (the one that did the work that I want to use and owns the rights). He's 82 years old. Last week I talked to him for an hour and a half. His first name is Paul and since that's my last name, it's always a bonding point. Anyway. Him? Adorable. Amazing. Interesting. And on board. He's only one piece of the puzzle, but a big piece. AND how weird is it that 5 minutes after I bought a book about his work from Amazon, he called me and asked for my address because he was sending the book to me? I told him to please send it anyway. I would love a signed copy. And he said okay!

Then Kelly and I had dinner with a great friend Diane Kelly (see blog entry: Happy Birthday Diane). And it was fun.

The only glitch is that Little was missing. And I couldn't sleep. Either could Kelly. We both were worried about him. And kept looking for him.

Little was locked in the basement. But my landlord got him out. Thankfully. Crazy little. He was very hungry.
Just a wonderful day. An idea for a TV show and my screenplay. And I got feedback on the story pre-class and I kind of like it. Hope they do, too. Other than my mom getting mad at me for being poor, all was good. I mean, she told me when the post office was hiring, so she doesn't aim very high. The checker at Ralph's sold me three packs of Claritin D even though he's only supposed to sell me two. I promised him I wasn't going to make crystal meth. I had coupons. What addict uses coupons? Anyway, ran into an actress that took over my apartment the last time that I lived with roommates-- before the one I kicked out-- poor girl was carjacked the week after she moved in. But she ended up marrying Ben Stiller, so things worked out for her. Anyway, my friend wanted to work on her new pilot and I mentioned it and gave her my friend's number and now she's going to call her and put in a word. Yay. That was followed by a great impromptu dinner with a great friend about great ideas. And then we ran into another friend. And called another and all in all, a fun filled Friday.

COME SEE DAVID READ FROM HIS POETRY COLLECTION! See above! And buy it! He's very talented. He's my friend.

Okay, you can't see above. Because it won't load. Mercury's in retrograde. I'm bummed. Because it's cool. Argh. Okay. I will reload it later. When blogger is on better behavior. Harumph.
You can click the link in the meantime. Please. Do!

Oh look, here it is! Mercury is being nicer!


Blogger John said...

You should read that post again and notice something. Something good.

In more than 1000 words you make not one mention of hoping for things and a whole mess of mentions about doing things.

Actions speak louder than hopes.


7:07 AM  

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