get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

They Just Keep Crawling Out...

Right before Christmas I did a stupid thing. I answered a phone call from an unknown caller. Me, with my own number blocked. Why have I blocked my number? I don't know....? In case stalking seemed like a better paying part time job than my current, oh-so-lucrative occupations? Anyway, the call was from a crazy guy. Who I never dated. Never met. And didn't want to. And he found me. Found my number somehow. A year after I quit Match. And I was only on it for like two months. What's that about? So anyway, he proceeded to play that "guess who this is?" game. Which clearly was an ineffective ploy to get my interest. And really just served to annoy me. He acted hurt I didn't remember him. Which I FINALLY did-- but only as a kook who wouldn't stop emailing me and found my number... and then scared me. And if you've read my history, you know I don't scare easily. So anyway, he creeped me out by all the aforementioned and also by trying to tell me how successful he was and how he had minions working for him over the holidays and how fun that was for him since he was going to Europe. And, um yeah. I'm sure you can guess just how impressed I was by that information. Anyway, I managed to kind of feign my way out of that one. My friends said I should have just told him adios. But I'm a nice girl. Damn it all. And then. Really. Who wants to piss off a guy with minions who might own baseball bats?

Then guy number two emailed me a Christmas greeting. And him? Truly, a nice guy. Who should really be with someone more normal than me. It was actually nice to hear from him. Because... he's nice! He's even read the blog. And was complementary when I spoke to him on the phone. He said he liked my perspective on the world. Which is again... nice. He's going to make an excellent father. I know it. He's very talented. And stable and normal and nice. And well, you know me. So that's why we're friends. Or can be friends. Which is again... nice.

But as for the fireman? I have no regrets. Even though everyone I told about the incident and who read about the incident thought I should have either kicked him out or had sex with him-- NOT just had him spend the night platonically. For them, there should be no in between. But what can I say? I mean, really. I'm a work in progress. And still, just hopeful enough to think that whether or not I can make him a nice guy, maybe I can make a difference... Somehow. Yet somehow, I think I'm better off donating my time to charity. It would definitely be less intrusive.

Anyway, all of this has left me quite exhausted. Because two wrongs don't make a right. (I'm not referring to guy number two--because he could be a friend which is right, not wong). I'm kind of referring to my life. And what's wrong in it. Do you think that pairs of twos still count as wrongs? Just thinking. Anyway, I'm really ready for a right. A right man, a right job, a right situation, just getting something right. Anything.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so damn funny,I can totally relate.

7:15 PM  

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