get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Stuff. It's Everywhere You Don't Want it To Be.

This weekend was all about the garage sale and making room in my place for my friend to move in. End result: I can't seem to think in complete sentences. So I thought I'd create a list of things I learned in the process:

1. I have lots and lots of paper. Filed. In boxes. To give the impression of orderliness. Hmm. Not so much so.
2. I have lots of crew paraphernalia that serves me no purpose whatsoever: a gumball machine, a swiss army watch, a CD walkman, a blanket, a crew jacket, a directors chair, and a leather gym bag. And that's just from the TV show. And I'm sure there's more stuff I have yet to unearth. Why no purpose you may ask? Because the show name and logo are everywhere on them. Which makes them useless. Except maybe for collectors. But they don't care so much about my old show. I checked on eBay.
3. Men are handy at times like moving. I really should get one.
4. Cats are not handy at times like moving.
5. I have always wanted to be a writer. As evidenced by my January 1, 1981 diary entry at the ripe old age of 13:

Dear Snoopy,
Today Sharon, Daddy, Tracy and I spent the day together. We watched the parade and Tracy and Daddy watched the games. I feel like writing and I want to write but I just seem to be putting together a bunch of blobs of nothing. I want so much to get a book published that has my name on it. I am s-o-o-o-o impatient!

6. I've always had garage sales. In February of 1981 my mother sold our coffee table for $20. Big money back then. And you know, big money now. So apparently the more things change, the more they stay the same.
7. People will haggle you down to $2 for a $100+ object/piece of clothing that you never needed or wore but really had to have.
8. You will wonder what you were thinking when you bought all these objects/pieces of clothing. Because now? All you want to do is get rid of them.
9. Thousands of dollars in garage sale terms translates to about $161.
10. That $161 will still make you very happy.
11. It's not healthy to dream about having a cleaning lady. Not when you're a single woman. Not when there are so many other things to dream about. Like more closet space.
12. A brother would be good. I'd settle for a brother.
13. Everybody keeps old magazines. They come out every single month. And have, for years. Lots of them. That makes for a lot of magazines.
14. Moving could be interesting if it wasn't so exhausting. And time consuming. And things weren't so heavy. The diary almost made up for it. And the Girl Scout badges. Which I plan to wear. Somehow.
15. Wrapping boxes? More fun than packing boxes. It is Christmas, after all.
16. You can stuff a lot of boxes into a walk-in closet.
17. You really should look at what's inside the boxes before you stuff them in the closet.
18. I have no idea how the desk is going to get from the second bedroom to the dining room without male assistance.
19. When you're young, you're embarrassed to go out of the house if you have a pimple. When you're moving, you'll go out of the house looking like a bag lady.
20. I'm really excited to have my friend move in. And that? Well, it makes it all worth it.


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