get the milk for free

one 38-year old single writer's attempt to make sense of her life, career, mistakes and oftentimes messy moments... or at least share her writing-- for free!

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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Let's just say, this is not where I thought I'd be when I grew up.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

He's Just Around the Corner

On Valentine's Day, two psychics said to me***unsolicited*** two variations on the same message, "he's just around the corner." I've NEVER heard that one before. I've heard, "Think positive," "You're so lucky you're single," "It's not like a relationship makes your life perfect," and "It'll happen," plenty of times. But "just around the corner"? Never. Not even, "he's on the next block," or "he's lost and looking for directions." So that was a nice one to hear. Okay, more than nice. I was a little excited. (So you can just imagine what will happen the first time I hear "I love you" or am introduced as someone's girlfriend. That's right. The first time. For both. And next month? I'll be 38. That's why this concept is so foreign to me. I might just have a heart attack. Or at least take pictures. Pictures are always good).

Anyway, so Kelly said to me, "What if he's literally just around the corner?" But the only thing just around the corner from my apartment is a fabric store. And the guys inside all wear rugs. But I guess it couldn't hurt to lay out a welcome mat for "him". Leave an itinerary for our life together. After all, we are a bit behind in the grand scheme of things. Maybe I'll hang it up in the fabric store. Maybe he'll find it and use it to wallpaper his walls. Hmm. Do straight men wallpaper their walls?

So today, I went to an event for Laura out in Westlake. While we were searching for the place, she drove into a mini mall. And in the mini mall was a store called Just Around The Corner. Who names a store that? Is that crazy or what? "There's your sign," she said. And you know what? I'll take that.

I kind of think it is. Just around the corner. I have to say. I've been through a lot in the last... five years. And in the last year especially. So when my friend Diane asked me on Valentine's Day if I was ready, I said,"yes". And I meant it. And for the first time, it wasn't because I'm no spring chicken or I want someone to sleep with or am lonely or am 38 years-old and have never had a man tell me he loves me. It's because those things don't matter quite as much as they used to. Do I want to get married? Yes. Do I want kids? Yes. I want it all.

It was a good Valentine's Day. And maybe even the best. Ever. Because I didn't think about what it meant to be alone. Instead, I hung out at the Four Seasons with three amazing friends. We had fun. Just fun. There was no boy talk. No sadness. No agenda. (Although there were martinis). It was just real. Real good. Laughing and drinking and eating and being. Us. It was the kind of real good fun that makes you know that it might just all work out in the end. That when it does, you'll have a story to tell-- make that LOTS of stories. That you'll be ready for it when it happens and that being who you are-- might just be okay.

I'm not going to lie. I hate it when my married friends tell me I'm so lucky that I'm single. That being married isn't all it's cracked up to be. That I should just enjoy my freedom. Because you know what? They didn't have to get married. They had a choice- would they rather be single or get married, get married or be single. And guess what they chose? Because at the end of the day, being single gets old. (argh!) Taking care of you and only you? It gets excruciating. Getting ready to go out? Trying to look cute when you go out because you want to meet someone? Because you still ahven't met someone? Double argh. And kind of depressing.

At the end of the day, everyone's been single. That's a fact. But not everyone has been married. So those people that have been fortunate enough to connect? They should know they're fortunate. They had the power to walk in and they have the power to walk out. It's when you have no prospects and no sex that's a problem . Look, I don't have some crazy idea that my life will be fixed by someone, that they'll be perfect and that will be that. But I do expect it will be more interesting. More fulfilling. And more fun. Do I lilke to hope that someone else might just care about what's going on in my life as much as I do because they're a part of it? And want to be? Of course I do. Sometimes it keeps me up nights. But that's okay. Because two psychics have vriefied that this year is my year and some man might be man. And my thinking is, if not tomorrow, then maybe Saturday of next week or the following Tuestday. Whenever. All I need to know. All I need to believe is that it can happen And if I do, there's a good chance that 38 years later--true love? It might be just around the corner.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just keep turning those corners, sweetie, and you will no doubt find him.

12:52 PM  

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